Fond Memories - Part 1 (Raiden Mei x OC)

Start from the beginning

Theresa: How should I say this........

Theresa looks for the footage in her database and she watched it along with her colleague.

The footage shows a young man with pale white hair, standing approximately the height that was stated on the document. The footage was taken in a city burning in flames and filled with honkai beasts.

The two watched and observed the fighting style of the boy in question. A mix of close range combat via kenjutsu, and long range combat via use of guns, especially a sniper.

Himeko: An expert in both close range combat and extreme long distance combat.

Theresa: We noticed that ordinary bullets and swords wouldn't be able to defeat such honkai beasts.

Theresa: However, upon further analysis.

Theresa: We concluded that he infused his sword and his bullets with honkai energy that allowed him to defeat these beasts.

Himeko: Hm, interesting. I have a question though, how did you find him?

Theresa: At a refugee camp in Sapporo. A few months after the Sapporo Invasion, he helped the people by various means such as providing food supply and security.

Theresa: The Asian Branch of Schicksal discovered his talent when he rescued one of their staff who wanted to investigate the aftermath of the Sapporo Invasion.

Theresa: He was the one who introduced the staff to the refugee camp and that is where we finally had progress in our investigation.

Himeko: So, inviting him here at St. Freya........

Theresa turns her desk chair to face the window.

Theresa: I wouldn't want to waste such talent. A boy capable of handling honkai energy, and has good survival skills.

Theresa: He can help us in various missions. Don't you agree?

Himeko: I trust your judgement on this one, Theresa. Also, in my squad?

Theresa: I trust that he might get along with your squad.

Himeko: "Might"?

Theresa: There is still the possibility of him being isolated due to the lack of males and from being far away from home.

Himeko: Wait, where are his parents anyway?

Theresa: They are in America, they wanted to take Seijurou with them but when Schicksal contacted his parents, they agreed to let him be admitted here.

Himeko: That's kinda......

Theresa: His parents work at a company that provides the cutting edge technology in medical technology.

Theresa: Due to their work, they are mostly away in the country, having Seijurou to live with his relatives in Sapporo.

Theresa: But, as you know it. The invasion killed many. His relatives are also one of the casualties of that incident.

Himeko: I see. When will he begin?

Theresa: He should be arriving.....

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