A Concert Six Months From Now (Finneas O' Connell One-Shot)

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You and your friend had been big fans of Billie Eilish from the first album. You can remember exactly how your friend had introduced you to her music. After several times of trying and failing to get tickets to see her live over the years, you were finally both going to one of her concerts. Since it was very likely you might not get the chance to see her again, you two went all out and got VIP tickets.

The concert was spectacular. Nobody could deny Billie's talent and stage presence, but you couldn't help but look to the other side of the stage. Her brother, Finneas, was performing with her as he often did. You had become a huge fan of his since discovering Billie's music and probably preferred Finneas a great deal more. It was a shame that he didn't quite match his sister's fame, even though he was the mastermind behind some of her greatest songs.

When the show was over, your body still buzzed from the experience, it was a magical place to be. You and your friend along with a handful of other people were escorted backstage. Most people were drawn straight towards Billie, including your friend, forming a small crowd around her which none of the fans seemed to notice. However, you kept your distance. You thought it must be awful to be so closed in, although you wouldn't have made much difference to the group either way. But it was also that you weren't desperate to talk to Billie, not as desperate as them. If it had been Finneas, well, that was a different story.

You watched as your friend chatted away, being very happy for them. Then, suddenly, you were very aware of somebody joining the fairly small room you were in. Finneas gave an awkward glance around the room before noticing your solitude and joining you. "Have you been here the whole time? I can ask them to let you in if you want?" You smiled and shook your head, being stunned to hear that voice that you knew so well in real life. "I'd rather stay right here. I'm a big fan of yours." A blush crept up onto his cheeks and he put his hands in his pockets. "I work on a lot of Billie's songs as well, but it's all really a joint effort and she got the amazing voice." You looked into Finneas' eyes. "I know you are Billie's biggest fan, but you are so talented and your songs, the ones that you sing, make me feel less alone." He broke your gaze while grinning. "I feel so ungrateful, is there something I can sign for you or?"

"Thank you for offering, but I don't actually own a copy of 'Blood Harmony' as much as I LOVE it just because I mostly listen to music on the same personal cd player I've had since I was a child. Guess that's just me being stuck in the past a bit. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me though, I know you really didn't have to."

Billie's concert and the moment you had with Finneas backstage was the best time of your life. But now that Finneas' debut album 'Optimist' had come out and he was touring it, you knew that he was going to put on an amazing solo show. Being such a big fan, you got a ticket as soon as you could, VIP of course.

You went backstage excited to meet Finneas again, knowing that he was unlikely to remember your previous encounter, unusual as it was. You had your CD copy all ready to be signed, laughing to yourself about what happened last time. You knew you would not have long with him as this was his show and all his fans backstage and he would be in higher demand, so you just waited your turn.

When you walked up to Finneas and proffered your CD he immediately recognised you. "I see you've come prepared this time. We made it in CD form just for you and your player." He joked. You were smiling from ear to ear. He actually remembered you! He signed your CD and you took a picture with him. Just as you were about to move along and let the next person in to see Finneas, he quickly ran off. You were confused as was the person behind you, until Finneas came rushing back a moment later. "Almost forgot..." he breathed before producing a clear case containing a hand-written signed CD. "That is the first and only CD copy of 'Blood Harmony' to complete your collection." You couldn't help but get teary-eyed and you hugged him. "Wow, I don't know what to say. Thank you, for thinking of me like that."

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