Friend Or Foe (Adam Ant One-Shot)

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It was New Year's Eve and you were getting ready to go to your friend's annual party. You always went, to show your support and keep your friendship alive, but this year felt different. This year, she had a boyfriend and that just made you feel even more alone at this time of year.

    When you rang the bell there was a pause before anyone  opened the door. A pause long enough for you to have the thought to just turn around and go home. But then, there was your friend, standing there, closely followed by the boyfriend who was very close indeed and she was laughing and trying to squirm away from him in order to give you a hug. "Get yourself in here, it's freezing outside."

    You don't normally like to drink, but you went straight to the kitchen in order to pour yourself something and considered staying there the whole night to get through it all. But then people started to congregate there so you left and went to grab yourself a seat. That's when one of the most beautiful looking men you had ever seen took the seat next to you and you couldn't help but blush. "Hi, my name is Stuart" He had turned to face you and was actually talking to you! "(Y/N). I know we haven't met before, do you come here every year?" He gave a slight snort of laughter which made your heart flutter. "No. Usually I have other engagements, but I was brought along here for the first time today. I'm a musician and life can get quite... busy at times."

"Wow. You really must be at parties all the time then. Would I know any of your music?"

"Em... well, we did have one song, 'Deutscher Girls', that was in a film." When he said that the penny dropped and your mouth dropped open. "I LOVE that song! And I don't know how I didn't recognise you, you played 'The Kid' in 'Jubilee'. Wow! I can't believe there's a celebrity at my friend's party." He blushed and looked at the floor.

"Enough about me, I hate talking about myself. What are your hopes for the New Year?"

    You talked to Stuart for the rest of the night, both of you unaware of the outside goings on of the party. That was until you heard the loud numbers of the countdown being shouted. You suddenly went into a panic. "Is it that time already?" You mumbled to yourself. You nervously and hurriedly stood up to get out of the way of Stuart so he could quickly find someone to ring in the new year with. You couldn't get far though as there was too many people huddled together. You just shut your eyes tight so it would be less embarrassing and disappointing than actually seeing everyone joined at the mouth. But when the number one was being shouted out, louder than those before, you felt a pair of lips on yours. Shocked as you were, you kissed back as you had always hoped for this moment. After what felt like the most magical forever, you pulled apart and opened your eyes to reveal Stuart, inches away from you. "Happy New Year, (Y/N). Hope it's better than the last." You couldn't wipe the smile off of your face.

"I think it already is."

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