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" you still live in the silences between my thoughts

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" you still live in the silences between my thoughts. "

It had been a year since the events that had happened in space

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It had been a year since the events that had happened in space. Ash had explained everything and well it was hard to believe, but the realisation of what the Sceptre could do, made getting it back a whole lot more fervent. This hunt had led to the Avengers where they were now, in Sokovia trying to get the Sceptre from HYDRA. Nicotine had control and was spending all his time beating up bad guys.


Ash rolled his eyes from within Nicotine.


He rolled his eyes once again. Steve went on to talk to Jarvis, Ash and Nicotine continuing to do their thing.

"Then Loki's Sceptre must be here. Strucker wouldn't have created this defence without it." Thor said.

"That just gives us all the more reason to get it because we are not going to space again." Nicotine piped up, stomping on an agent's head.

Thor looked over at him and nodded in agreement. Nicotine used a tendril to grab an agent in the distance to throw them at another, making the two crash into the ground in a heap. He grabbed the base of a tree, pulling it up from the Earth to throw at an incoming group of agents.

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