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" he was christmas morning, crimson fireworks and birthday wishes

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" he was christmas morning, crimson fireworks and birthday wishes. "

Ash woke up to the sound of Josh and Nicotine singing Christmas songs

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Ash woke up to the sound of Josh and Nicotine singing Christmas songs. It was the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. He rolled onto his back on his bed and groaned, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He saw blue tendrils warping from his body and through the crack of his bedroom door. Ash sighed and pulled himself out of bed, changing his clothes and pulling on a pair of Nicotine slippers that had been given to him recently by Natasha, who had found them while she was out Christmas shopping. He walked into the kitchen to find Josh and Nicotine blasting 'All I Want for Christmas' while they haphazardly made breakfast.

"What is going on here?" Ash questioned.

"Breakfast!" Josh and Nicotine yelled in unison.

Ash took in a breath and sighed, not even bothering, he went to the coffee machine and made his usual highly caffeinated latte. He sipped the hot drink and watched the chaos in front of him. Thor was supposed to be coming over that morning, he wondered what his boyfriend would think of the chaos. Speaking of the devil, the front door opened to reveal Thor. Ash walked out of the kitchen and greeted him with a kiss.

"Clint's family and Natasha are coming over tonight for Christmas, we celebrate together every year. The kids are pretty excited about you joining us." Ash smiled, completely ignoring the blasting music.

"As am I. But what's with the erm...?" Thor questioned.

"Josh and Nicotine, they do it every year and destroy my kitchen every year." Ash sighed.

Josh came running out of the kitchen, his grinch onesie was coated in pancake batter, Thor the dog came running out as well as Nicotine zoomed out as well, dressed like a 'bad guy'.

"Dad! The pancake monster is trying to turn me into a pancake!" Josh shouted.

Ash chuckled and put down his mug of coffee, shielding Josh from Nicotine.

"I'll protect you!" He declared, grabbing the boy and holding him up.

The 13-year-old laughed and grinned widely, Nicotine whined and nuzzled Josh.

"I feel left out." He said.

"I'd never let you feel left out, papa Nicotine!" Josh smiled, patting the symbiote's disembodied head.

Ash smiled, "Aren't you going to say hi to Thor?" He asked.

"Oh yeah! Hi, Thor! Did you fight any bad guys?!" Josh grinned.

"Unfortunately, no." Thor smiled.

"Aw! I wanna hear cool battle stories!" Josh whined.

"You won't hear any until you change out of your pancake covered pjs." Ash smirked.

Josh let out a groan and he was put down, he picked up Thor the dog and held him up.

"This is Thor! Say hi to Thor, Thor!" Josh grinned.

The puppy barked and wagged his little tail, Thor smiled and pet the puppy.

"Hello, Thor." He chuckled.

"Alright, put him down and go change. Uncle Clint, Auntie Laura and Auntie Nat are coming soon. Do you want them to see you messy?" Ash asked.

"Yes! Papa says being messy is a sign of rebelliousness and therefore I'd be cool!" Josh beamed.

"Well, you're dirty. Using your pops as an excuse isn't good, so go get changed." Ash smirked.

Josh let out an exaggerated groan and went to his room. Ash rolled his eyes and looked over at Thor, who pecked him on the lips.

"I love spending time with you both and Josh." He said lovingly.

"We love spending time with you." Ash smiled, pulling him close.

Thor smiled and connected their lips again, Ash's hands found their way through his hair while his hands found their way to his waist. For the first time in years, Ash is calm, the love he feels for Thor and the love he receives from him are enough to banish all other feelings thrown his way. They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Are there any other words that you can say that can adequately convey the love I feel for you?" Thor asked.

Ash smiled, "I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old." He quoted.

"Is that Shakespeare again?" Thor smiled.

"You know me too well already." Ash chuckled.

"You guys are so adorable that it makes me feel lonely and I'm thirteen." Josh said.

Ash caught himself from laughing but Nicotine and Thor burst into laughter.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" Ash exclaimed.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door, Ash went to go answer and found Clint, Natasha, Laura, Lila and Cooper at the door. He smiled and let them in immediately.

"It's good to see you guys." Ash smiled.

"Likewise." Natasha said, hugging Josh.

Thor was introduced to the Barton family and he got along with them really well. Laura suggested they take a group photo together and so they huddled together, Nicotine emerged from Ash's shoulder and used a tendril to hold the phone out, taking a picture of the family. Ash started cooking dinner with Laura that night while the kids put all the presents under the tree for the next morning. When the food was ready, they all sat down and ate. There was banter and laughter. Ash was glad that Thor was fitting in well with his family, from what he's seen and heard, Thor deserves a place where he can flourish with a happy family.

"Okay, now that we're done eating. I think it's time to go to bed." Natasha smiled.

"Sleep is for the weak." Josh said in determination.

"If you pull an all-nighter you're gonna hate yourself in the morning." Clint chuckled.

"Jokes on you, I already hate myself." Josh smirked.

Ash choked on his drink and Clint burst into a fit of laughter at his best friend's reaction. Josh giggled and started to yawn, Ash calmed his coughing fit down with the help of Thor and they all started to get up to go to bed. Deciding to deal with the dishes the next day, they went to their respective rooms for the night. Ash had a large enough house to hold his family when they came over so it wasn't a problem. The house had four bedrooms. Clint and Laura went in a guest room together, Natasha went in the other while Cooper and Lila stayed in Josh's room as always. Ash went into his room, Thor followed him. They got changed and went to bed, Thor had his head on Ash's chest, quietly listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you more than anything, Ash."

"I love you too, Thor."

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