Angels and Wolves

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"Well that's gonna hurt like hell." I said to my self.

I look to Gabriel who shook his head, "It's not as hard as thou thinks." He states.

"Ya, and how would you know!" I demand. You know looking down to earth from heaven, is some scary stuff, let me tell ya.

"Come on old pal." I try to soften him up "put in a good word for me, it's not my fault."

"Technically, my dear it is." He says bluntly.

Being an angel is hard stuff, with everyone expecting you to be perfect we all make mistakes, well ok we're angels, I guess we're not suppose to make mistakes, but hey it happens, give me a break! I mean you don't send me to earth letting me live my immortal life there, just because I kiss a dead spirt! Now that's a little harsh don't ya think.

"Well this is gonna be so fun!" Hint the sarcasm.

"Goodbye Annalee, I here by announce that you will

live your immortal live on earth as an fallen angel!" Gabriel states.

He pushes me over and I fall, the wind whips around my face as I pass clouds.

I stretch out my wings as my blonde hair flies into my mouth.I spite it out oh yummy I think, I look at my now black wings. Great, just great I think as I dive to the ground, then expand my wings so I won't hit the ground hard. I gracefully land on the ground, and take in my surroundings. I'm standing barefooted in the middle of a gorgeous pine wood forest.

I look up to the sky "Really! Come on you could of pushed me into a city!" I yell at the heavens. I need to get out of these clothes.

I've seen other fallen angels fall to a city, one of the fallen angels I watched was Casterel, I saw as a vampire took him and used his gift only for evil. They soon killed him after he killed some of God's children, the humans.

Only angels can kill angels, and well of course the big man himself. All angels have there natural powers and then they have there gift.

Are natural powers are, we can feel all emotions from anyone or anything, we can telepathically speak, and I guess if you count as being amazingly beautiful spiritually and physically, enough to have any living thing be drawn towards you than ya, that's about it. I don't know where I'm gonna go now, so I guess I'll just walk 'till I find some civilization.

Alright I'm getting that creepy feeling when someone is watching me.

I continue to walk on the soft dirt until I hear a growl I fold my wings back into my back, and turn around face to face with sharp white teeth and some drool hanging from its teeth, I slowly look up into a yellow set of eyes of a wolf. The wolf was a dark chocolate brown.

'Who are you, and state your business, or die here!' I telepathically receive. Well it looks like the big bad wolf is angry.

Oh I almost forgot silly me, I'm Annalee and this is the story of a fallen angel (me,hint hint)and a wolf.


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