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To everyone's surprise, it wasn't Persephone who screamed. It was Aurora to say she was mad. She was furious; she didn't want Sephie's life to be expressed without her consent.

She knew what it felt like to be called a liar and to be used and bullied for someone else's advantage with zero choices other than to be portrayed as the villain.

That's why, during the war, she stayed neutral to protect her family.

While Dumbledore was running the pros and cons of this message, he approached the woman to get her to do his bidding hopefully. "Aurora, dear girl-"

He was kindly disrupted. "it's Lady Balryon," said at the same time three voices: Hermione, Persephone, and Aurora.

"Speak to Dumbledore with respect!" Molly Weasley practically screeched towards the three women.

"Κατέβα από το πουλί του και μετά θα μιλήσουμε," Persephone mumbled quietly to herself, or at least that's what she thought.

"Language!" Hermione, having had whispered, yelled at her now that Ron started looking over at them in confusion and what looked like something similar to anger.

" English, and besides, you can't say you weren't thinking the same thing." She whispered back, looking smug for the light blush covering her friend's face, "Touche." that was the last thing she heard before she zoned out the occurring argument in the background.

It was only when her name was spoken of that she started listening again.

"Pardon me?" She spoke up

"Well, I don't think Ms.Potter has a choice since it is for all of us to watch." The minister said, Umbitch nodding her head, showing her agreement.

"No, you would need my consent, and how do you even know I want you to see what's in my life?" She asked, leaving the minister shocked.

"Well, dear girl-"

"Perhaps we should ask Ms. Potter if she would give us her consent," Professor McGonagall stated, seeing her student get upset

"Finally, someone who listens," Aurora exclaimed

"Ms. Potter, do you give us your consent?" Professor McGonagall asked respectfully.

Persephone turned to Hermione, "Should I.?" concerned, "It's your choice. Think about the pros and cons of them watching the movies, and if anything happens, I'll be right here." Hermione stated while taking hold of her hand.

"Together?" "Together."

Taking a deep breath, "I give you my consent to watch the movies if it can help the future and the people in it." She started, "But only if it will help the innocents and those who did not have a choice to participate in the war." Hermione finished while looking at Dumbledore.

Hesitatingly, he agreed while looking for how the movies could benefit him and learn more information about the Potter-Black girl to use against her.

That said, doors popped up on each side of the hall.

Another letter dripped from out of nowhere.

"The doors shall lead you to areas for you to sleep and rest in the movies and shall arrive in the morning as well as the other guests.

- Μητέρα Μαγική Κυρία Εκάτη"

"Well, students, you can go to your dorms or assigned rooms inside the great hall. Families, if you would like to stay with your respective child, you are allowed to." The Headmistress noted

"Let's find our rooms, Mione, and then we can talk," Persephone said. "Okay," was all that she replied.

"Goodnight, Ron."  They said before quickly walking off to find their room.

A/N, the GIF is what I pictured Aurora to be.

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