¹¹|monroe + awsten // dm

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Awsten Knight


hey so i know this is probably a stupid attempt at getting advice but i feel like if anything this will be a good rant and this is just something i really need to talk about. i can't talk to anyone in my day-to-day life so i'm here.
i love chantel, i do, believe me. but i feel like there's just something so different about the way we love each other. it's like she's reckless and like, if we were in a car and she was driving she wouldn't be looking at the road but she would be looking at me, does that make sense? i hope it does, because that isn't who i am, i mean maybe i could learn to be but not with her. i'm not like a, put my all in immediately or else we'll fall apart kinda person. i can't do that and i just don't know what to do.

Hey, so I'm actually responding because I know exactly how you feel. Especially that situation because I can tell you love her, but not in the same way. Which would be fine except the different ways you love clash

first of all holy shit hello it's weird to speak to you one on one. second of all EXACTLY

"If we were in a car and she was driving she wouldn't be looking at the road but she would be looking at me" is an insane but accurate way to describe that and probably the only reason I knew what kind of reckless you were talking about. Not the kind where it's negative and dangerous and treacherous to a love but almost overbearing admiration

yes yes overbearing admiration is perfect in it's descriptiveness but not perfect in terms of relationships. i'm all for praise and appreciation in a relationship but if it becomes suffocating—that's where i am with chantel—it becomes an issue
so in that case, what should i do?

Talk about it is really all I can suggest. Tell her you love her but the way your relationship is being handled from her side is suffocating you and you don't want it to cause tension.

what if it goes wrong

Stress that you wanna remain friends?

i'm doing it rn


Hey what's up it's been like 5 mins

everything's going good actually :)
it's sad yeah but like, it's going about as good as it could've gone
it's official
i'm single now :(

That's what you wanted, right?

yeah :( i just liked chantel :(

I understand
At least you're not stressed about like

overbearing admiration?

Overbearing admiration

✦✧✦✧  ✧✦✧✦
july 8

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