Martini Blue 1.10

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His fingers brushed against her bare arm, their legs intertwined while her head placed on his chest. She could hear his beating heart, her tiny body wrapped in his big ones. It was two in the morning, Lorelei woke up and found Luthor staring at the ceiling, so she joined in—in his wakeful state. They both stayed up, probably savoring the vulnerable moment.

"Was 'I'....part of your mission?" Lorelei asked out of the blue. Her palms sweated on her own question. She's not nervous, right?

The woman felt him squeezed her and replied, "No, Love. You are completely my 'reckless-decision' that–" he leaned in to kiss the top of her head "–I never regretted". Upon hearing him, she snuggled closer tightening the hug on his waist.

"But I am, aren't I?" Luthor continued. She slightly bit her bottom lip. Seconds after, she moved to sit up beside him. Luthor remained on his position. He only stared at her. He noticed her fingers clutching tightly on the blanket covering her bareness as she tried to retain a stern expression. However, she failed and guilt flashed along her brown eyes. The man didn't move nor utter a word, he was waiting for her to admit. Wondering how it would affect him, though he knew he's gonna hurt.

Lorelei swallowed the uneasiness in her throat and looked at Luthor's eyes, "Yes. You are a part of my mission, well marriage is—" Luthor pursed his lips, a small tweak of his eyebrows caught Lori's attention.

"—Okay tell me, you know our line of work, Luthor. If the mission requires, we need to submit" Lorelei's face was persuading, she didn't know why she felt like it was all her fault.

"I understand" Luthor said, he was thinking of something else. Lorelei inched forward and placed her hand on top of his. They were silent for a minute. Processing everything that has happened, is happening and things that are bound to happen for the both of them.

She saw him stare at their intertwined hands. Right at this moment she wished they were both in a different timeline living a different life. Something ordinary and opposite from missions and weapons. It was true that she wished to have a family. A dream of a little her many years back, long forgotten only that it was revived after meeting Luthor Mendez.

"During the lavatory incident, was your mission to protect Mufasa del Roy?" Lorelei asked. From now on, she would like to know everything from him. Everything including the missions and she would tell him the same even if knowing the truth means hurting.

Luthor briefly stared at her, "Yes. I had received an abrupt assignment that I was to protect a certain woman". Lorelei continued to listen, her brows furrowed even more. The man saw the glint of suspicion on her face. "I do not work for the del Roys, Mufasa doesn't know me either. It was the first time I saw her in person. The day before I left for my 'trip'–" Luthor eyed her "–was when the assignment was given". After that, he saw her shoulders relaxed. Was she still being suspicious of him? Of course she would. After all, they are basically just starting to know each other.

"How about you, Lori?" he questioned. Luthor shifted on his position. He maneuvered to his side facing her and prompted an elbow to support his head, showing her that he has been lowering his guard as if he just wanted to talk about life. He ought to tell her that he meant no harm and is not here to assassinate nor kill her. If he was the he shouldn't have prolonged the marriage for months. Lorelei scrutinized his behavior, there was a little hint of hesitance in her but she eventually gave up on the idea.

She sighed and he reached for her bare arm, caressing her, waiting for her to be at ease.

"As you know, this whole marriage is a set up to get close to Mufasa. She wasn't really my mission, his husband is" Lorelei stared at him, trying to see how he would react. After all, the case was confidential.

"Figured" Luthor replied with a little tug on his lips. She wasn't able to see it but she knew he found something amusing.

"But hey, is your name really Lucian Thoren Mendez?" he nodded in her question. So he did tell me his real name.

"Well, was the name you gave me your real one?" he slid his hand down, reaching for her left hand.

"It is. I didn't let them change my name after dissolving anything that's related to my past. It was the only memory from my mother that I could bring" Luthor removed her wedding ring and placed it on her right finger. Lorelei watched him, a little confused of what he did.

As if reading her mind, he looked up to her and smiled softly. "It's something that I am sure of now".

He pulled her gently, bringing her to lie against his chest. The woman kept quiet. She was studying the ring that has found it's new place on her right hand.

"What do you say of running away?" upon hearing his remark, Lorelei giggled. Is he really the Lucian Thoren Mendez? Words coming out of his mouth right now seemed like the different version of him. "You know we can't. But if it's your way of saying we should have a vacation, then I'm all in, Mr. Mendez".

"Settled, Mrs. Mendez" he answer and scooted her closely to him.

Their hearts were warm and the moment was at ease however, there was the fear of tomorrow lingering at the back of their heads. The fear of not knowing about the future, the fear human ought to solve but can not. No one knows what lies beyond the horizon, unless he stepped foot on the situation.

Lorelei gently closed her eyes, the sound of his breathing welcomed sleep in her system. Guess she could use his breathing pattern as her sleeping playlist next time.

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