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"So..." Jamie started as no one wanted to initiate a talk.

She clasped her hands and leaned slightly on the table. Alistair indistinctly moved Jamie's hair away from the bowl of hot soup. She was still wearing her blonde wig and the long strands almost dipped in.

Loki's gaze fell on Alistair's hand and it moved up to his face.

Always the gentleman

he thought.

It is who he is, has been and always will be. It's what makes him, him-Alistair Ravena.

Loki scoffed as he felt a bit of a tug on his heart. He shouldn't feel this way because they're all friends and besides, he knows Jamie likes him since high school. He's the one who held his fort and did nothing about it, so it should be wrong to even think about being jealous, he doesn't have the right. But anyway-

"I thought you couldn't make it Luthor, Lorelei here, said you had an important case?" the actress continued with a smile evident on her beautiful face. She can't hide it, not when the two sat beside each other in front of them. The arrangement would make Loki look like the head of the family. He was literally pushed to sit on the center when Luthor arrived, so he sees everything.

"I wouldn't deny that it's a huge case but I also wouldn't deny the offer of having dinner with all of you" he said with a straight face.

Lorelei almost laughed loudly, she knows he's trying hard to make it sound light but the small tweak of his eyelid told her that Luthor wasn't really molded to be that kind of a talker.

The man noticed she was stifling a laugh and turned his gaze towards her. She immediately bit her lip and looked up to him like nothing happened. Softly, she patted his hand under the table, "You're adorable" she said in a low voice that made Luthor clear his dry throat.

The sound of the sizzling meat and other customers chattering inside the restaurant made her remark inaudible for the rest of the circle to hear.

"Ey, you shouldn't hide it. You two are dating now. Right? Right? Come on Lori, we're besties, no secrets" Jamie babbled as she pouted and crossed her arms.

The soju must have made her energetic and a bit tactless.

"Unfortunately Jamie, we're not dating-" Luthor said as he watched Lorelei beside him. Now it's his time to lower his voice, "-yet".

It made Lorelei dropped the meat she was to put on her lettuce. She heard it clearly but she chose to fake a chuckle and picked up another cooked meat. It made Luthor smile and he continued eating as if there were only the two of them in the restaurant.

Jamie squinted her eyes as she moved towards Loki, gaze still on the couple in front of them, "Psst, did my brother-in- I mean your brother just smiled?" she asked and looked at Loki who was staring deeply at Jamie's reddened face. The alcohol really got her as he noticed how her fair skin turn pinkish on the cheeks.

He as well leaned in and answered, "It's your tipsiness that made you hallucinate impossible things" then he threw a smile at her. Jamie quickly withdrew her face away from Loki. Her heart beat fast as she chugged half of the bottle of soju. Alistair quickly snatched the liquor away from her hands. His worried face averted towards Loki who was enjoying Jamie's reaction.

How mean and rude and handsome!

Jamie thought as Alistair handed her a napkin. The latter shook his head at Loki and Jamie as he got back to eating his food.

How long are these people going to beat around the bush? Another 10 years?

Alistair thought.

He has witnessed everything from the very start and now he just wants everyone to be honest with their obviously mutual feelings.


"You sure you don't want my help Al? I brought my car, I could drop Jamie off" Lorelei said as they all reached the parking lot. She was holding Jamie's left side and Loki was assisting on the other side since the lady clung on to him the moment she got drunk.

"Their homes are both on the way so it's not a problem besides, you live opposite our direction" Alistair said as he opened the car door. They carefully placed Jamie inside and the drunk woman pulled Loki as he was about to get out. She was mumbling words of drunkenness.

Lorelei shook her head when she saw what happened, "You're even in her dreams Loki, please take care of her and drive safely Al" she said.

Alistair smiled and playfully gestured a salute to Lorelei then to Luthor who was behind her. He was leaning on his black sedan watching the entire scene. His keen eyes lingered long at Jamie and Loki at the back seat of the car and a smirk carved his thin lips.

"We'll go ahead" Alistair said as he got inside his Range Rover and drove out of the place. Now there were two people left. Lorelei turned around and faced Luthor who was still leaning on the hood of his car. She smiled when Luthor just stared at her, as if waiting for something.

Isn't he gonna leave?

"Uhm... See you around?" Lorelei motioned an awkward wave and pitched something from her pockets.

Her brows furrowed when she couldn't find what she was looking for. Lorelei also searched inside her handbag, it only left her disappointed.

"I must've dropped my keys somewhere. I'll look for it inside, you should go ahead Lulu" she said as she walked back to the restaurant. She didn't even had her third step when she quickly looked back at the man behind her, "I mean Luthor" she smiled shyly and continued walking in a haste.

Oh no! I called him Lulu

the woman silently reprimanded herself and went to search for her missing keys.

After 15 minutes, she went out the building disappointed. Her keys weren't there.

Where could she possibly put it?

She was walking absent-mindedly, thinking where it went when she heard a man's voice beside her, "Come on, I'll drive you home" she was surprised to see Luthor still in the parking lot.

Could it be that he waited for Lorelei? Obviously he did.

Lorelei was about to decline when Luthor gave her an intent stare, clearly he doesn't want any objections so she followed him silently. It's dangerous for her to ride alone, in this hour and Luthor just wanted to drive her home. What his dear brother did would fall entirely worthless if he wouldn't be able to give her at least a ride.

When Lorelei locked her seatbelt on beside him, Luthor smiled deviously and stepped on the gas. He knows Loki was in possession of Lorelei's keys, he saw him dangling it infront of him as Alistair drove off the parking space.

At first he thought he should stop him but when Loki pointed his finger to Lorelei, he immediately got his message. He shook his head once, again leaning back on his black sedan. Since he was given the opportunity, he shouldn't waste it.

Now, they were both inside his car, "I'll ask someone to talk to the restaurant's manager so they wouldn't be alarmed and be suspicious of your car. Also, should your car be reported and towed, you have to get it by 6 o'clock in the morning. I'll see what I can do since the restaurant parking space isn't registered for overnight parking. It'll be staying there for the whole night" he said as Lorelei listened carefully.

Now that he said all the formal talks, "Say, would you like to go out on a date with me?".

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