Martini Blue 1.7

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His grip tightened on the steering wheel, his jawline firm from gritting his teeth. For five months of marriage, she hid her identity well. Never did he suspect her of anything being related to a spy.

Luthor muttered a curse, how could he be such a fool!

Stepping on the gas, his car tires screeched on the concrete road as he drifted on their garage, leaving black skid marks on the poor ground. The man got out of his car and slowly scanned the whole place. It seemed like his wife got home first. The lights on the kitchen illuminated a part of the house.

Luthor directed at his trunk, pulling out a black bag under the hidden compartment. He brought out a Kimber Rapide pistol and loaded it before tucking it behind his jeans. All he thought of now was to confirm whether or not his wife, no the woman, is an ally or a danger sent to destroy him. He didn't like any of this, everything was unpredicted. Even marrying her was not in his plan, but he did fell hard the first time he saw her. That's the truth of it.

However, now that he knew of her identity, it struck to him like a spear on his long guarded feelings. He suddenly remembered how he knew of it when he came in for work this morning. Rye Rubio, forwarded an image, saying it was the agent he almost failed his mission to. The one in the mansion of Mufasa del Roy, where the order was to protect Mufasa. The picture of his beautiful wife appeared on his screen. He even squinted his gray orbs to check if he saw it properly. Yet, Rye confirmed it. He sent him additional information linking the two people together.

Luthor swallowed a lump, probably of agitation. An unfamiliar feeling surrounded him. Was he hurt? A bit, maybe.

He should've trusted his instincts back then, he should've just strangled her to tell him who she was when they confronted in the lavatory. He had the doubt when he heard her voice but the stupid emotions she felt for the woman blinded him and left her unscratched. He should've just done what he was supposed to do.

But hell! He didn't. Now, he's nervous and he feared the fact that this might not end well, not for the both of them.

Luthor's hand reached the passcode as it opened their back door, leading straight to the kitchen. There was no one but he knew Lorelei was somewhere inside. He slowly walked in, senses alert for every moving object until he reached the counter.

Lorelei popped out of the pantry, wearing an apron and a mitten on both her hands. She was carrying a newly baked baby back ribs, Luthor could smell it's spice. He looked at her for a moment, scrutinizing what she was about to do, or planned to do. They were estranged for the past few days and he's trying to be vigilant around her, now that he knew of her identity.

Lorelei studied her husband before releasing a made up smile. One that showed, I-know-something-but-Im-trying-to-be-calm-about-it type. The air suddenly felt humid around the house, so she decided to remove her apron upon setting the dish on the center of the table. "You're a bit late..........Love?" there was a hint of hesitancy on her voice but both chose to ignore it as they continue to watch each other's move.

Luthor stayed still, his eyes never left the dagger that bore in it. He wasn't smiling, he maintained a straight face. The man was still figuring out what his dear wife was planning as he sat on the chair Lorelei motioned for him to sit at.

"Reviewed some project proposals" he said, gaze still on her face. Lorelei nodded, as she walked near to his side, "I cooked your favorite, put so much effort in making it.....Love" Lorelei looked down at him, creating a small distance between them. His attention briefly clung on to her sudden endearments.

"How thoughtful of you.......Love" Luthor replied back. Hand slowly placed on his lap. Incase she would flip it on him, he would have a short time pulling out his gun. "Oh! I'll cut it for you" the woman said and got to the drawers to pull out a knife. He became more attentive at the sight of the weapon as he eyed the lady walking towards his direction. Her small smile leaving him internally in disarray.

What's on your mind, Lorelei?

Surely he knows he was exposed as she was to him but, he stayed still.

Lorelei cut the meat and placed it on Luthor's plate. He kept watching her, cautious of every muscle she moves.


Suddenly, the knife dropped to his foot. His eyes slightly widened but not that much as his fast reflexes caught it before it touches him. She intentionally faced the tip downward with a little force in throwing it at him. They both froze on their spot, it was as if the trigger to the underlying tension that made the atmosphere humid in this well ventilated room. Lorelei out of instinct kicked the knife away from his hand, making it fly to the other side of the room. Then she immediately distanced herself from him. Her hand at the back, clutching a dagger no one knows where she got it from.

Luthor on the other side of the room, brought out his gun but he never pointed it at her. His face stern but sweat was forming on his forehead. He doesn't want any of this. In fact, he just wanted to talk but the woman's making the word 'ceasefire' impossible.

Then she brought out the dagger from her back, intentionally showing it to him. "Familiar?" her face grim and forbidding. She was mad, probably from everything that has been happening. But why would she be when on the first place she married him for her mission? Now she's been deceived, shouldn't it be called quits?

She scowled at him as the thought crossed her mind. This was a mistake, he was a mistake and everything was! "Lorelei, let's talk" Luthor tried to calm her down. Her face suddenly became null, he scoffed at him as she suddenly made a run, arms stretched at the back aiming to stick it on his chest then a loud thud hit the hard ground.

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