the house tour and meeting my new brothers

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the first room we enter was the living room and i see a 2 playpens one  like the one i was in, in dads office (me thinking- thats stil werid for me to say knowing hes not my real dad) and one large one with baby swings, bouncers, playmats, and alot of other baby play yards and toys. we than walk into the kitchen and dinning room and i see bottle and sippy cups on the counter and pacis  and in the dinning room part i see 4 high chairs, we continue down the rooms and we get to a doors that says in big cute babyish letters Mason, Lucas, and Leo. William i mean dad says that leo is the one that was put through the program once already and is a baby for the second time, lucas is closer to my age hes 8 years old and that i will be sharing a room with him till they can get me my own room or a room to share with the other Jules ( im thinking wow thats going to get confusing) and said that mason is only 4 years old. he brings me into Lucas room and he turns around and says " hi daddy who tat" william( dad) answers with " hes your new room mate and your new brother" Lucas smiles and waddles over to me with a wet and messy diaper and hugs me and says "hi i lucas wat u name" i say " immm ju ( i stop myself remembering not to use my real name) im Orion" i look around my new room and see a crib with no name over and nothing inside of it expect for a bed with a sheet on it and a pillow. while i look around, william changes Luacas diaper, than comes to me and pulls back the diaper im wearing and checks inside it than checks the from pats my bum and says i leave u here to have fun. but before i leave Orion what are some of your fav things? i say " space, science, video games, and candy" he leaves and me and lucas talk

( lucas - L , me  orion - O)

L - where did my parents find you?

O- in the park your, our mom found me there

L- i see your part of the program also get use to being babied and not being able to do anything 

O- how long have u been in this program

L- all my life they started the program when i was 4 and my/ our parents came in and put me in a diaper and told me i would be a baby for now on and it was something to get use to

O- how is it sleeping in a crib 

L - its like sleeping in a sleeping bag but with bars that are very tall and u cant get out of

O- ok i have a very big question, but im shy about asking it

L- let me guess do you you use your diaper?

O- ya thats it ( i look shy and down at the ground)

L- you have to just work on it and slowly relax the muscles and it will come to you, at first close your eyes and pretend like your standing over the potty and push.

O- i do and it works i start peeing in my diaper

L- there u go, now you want to play roblox with me?

O- umm dont mom or dad need to change my diaper first

L - hahahah sorry but you think they are going to change our diapers after one use? no get use to that feeling becuase they choose when we get changed, you have to get use to being a baby remember and we dont get a choice we just exist as cute little babies and our parents control everything

O- OH i look at the ground ok ya umm sure lets play roblox

lucas seeing im having a hard time with this hugs me and says " you get use to it and it will seem like nothing  trust me i did"

we play roblox for a few hours than william/ dad  comes in and says its time to eat boys we stand up and walk to the door and he checks lucas diaper light taps his diaper and say " ok go crawl to mommy" and lucas crawls down the hall, than he checks me and says " i see you starting to use your diaper good good" lightly pats my diaper and says the same thing " crawl to mommy" i start crawling and i see Ann/mommy in the dinning room clipping my new brothers into their highchairs and she picks me up and puts me in the last one and clips me in and locks the tray in place i see them go into the kitchen and i wisper to lucas "what are we eatting for dinner? meat, pasta, what? " he looks at me and says " you did not get the hint remember i said we babies and they pick EVERYTHING FOR US!
that means we dont get big kid food" my eyes widen as i remeber my little brother was spoon feed baby food as his meal. i look at lucas and say " you mean the only food we get to eat is baby food!" he nods and says " we dont eat it we are feed it we can help in any way they spoon feed it to us, if we lucky we might get feed some big kid food but be perpared to only be feed baby food for the rest of your life"

and with that they enter the dinning room again with bibs and a bunch of baby food jars and baby spoons she feed the youngest first only a jar, than dad feed the second youngest than starts to feed lucas and mom comes to me and puts a bib on me and says " im glad our newest baby is finally learning his place and is being a good baby" than opens a thing of babyfood carrots and starts spoon feeding  me it , it was not good at all and it keep going after the carrots it was 3 others than a fruit one and than she was done and goes into the kitchen
 and bring out these colored bowls with babyish soft forks inside the bowls are chicken that has been cup up very small and the starts feeding me the chicken after all that my face is wiped with a baby wipe and a pacifire  is placed in my mouth  than im taken out of the high chair and my diaper is checked and than brought to the playpen and left there and thats when i try and say " that stuff was nasty im glad its over" and lucas says " thats only part one of dinner part two they are working on right now" i look at him and try to say " what is part two" and lucas says " bottles of baby formula" and sure enough here she comes with a bottles of what looked like milk and she picks me up and lays me on my back in her arms and puts the bottle to my mouth . i shake my head no and try n push it away and i feel a swat to my leg and she says" be a good baby and drink your bottle or you get a punishment" i push it away again and she puts the bottle down undoes the tabs on my diaper flips me over pulls down the back of it and starts to spank me saying " babies will do what they are told, you are a baby " and after 20 spanks she stops and says " will you drink your bottle? i shake my head no and she continues after another 20 spanks and my bum being red she asks again " will you be a good baby and drink your bottle?" i say durring the crying " yes " she swats my bum again and says what was that , expecting me to say yes mommy so i say " yes mommy me drink me bottle" she smiles pulls my diaper back up flips me over tapes the diaper back on me and puts the bottle to my lips and i open and let it in and start drinking it.

i just lay there drinking this bottle my fight taken from me durring thoes spankings, and trying to get my head around being babied for the next few days, weeks while i try n get home. and to think i wanted this and that odd thing is i kinda still do and i kinda like this with out the punishment that is. after i finish the bottle i close my eyes and push and let out some more into my diaper, what i did not know was my bottle had laxitives in it to make me use my diaper so when i looked up at my mommy here she was smiling and said " my new baby boy will be using his diaper soon" and i did not know what she ment til my stomic started to rumble and i felt it than all of a sudden it happen i used my diaper both ends and it keep going for a bit when it was done for now my diaper was sagging and it made it hard to walk or even crawl  and they took pictures and said " look at the poopy baby in his full diaper" than carried me to Lucas room put me in the change table and took the diaper off and cleaned me up than got a new size 4 diaper out and layed it under me put baby powder on me pulled it up and over and taped it on put a paci in my mouth and carried back down to the other babies and put me in a baby toy and put on a toddler show. 

i was left in that thing for a few hours and every so offten i would feel my body push out stuff from the laxitives i was given it was late and we were all picked up and me and lucas were brought to bathroom where a bath ready and we were set down...

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i was left in that thing for a few hours and every so offten i would feel my body push out stuff from the laxitives i was given it was late and we were all picked up and me and lucas were brought to bathroom where a bath ready and we were set down on a plastic mat our diapers removed and cleaned up a little than he put lucas in the bath and than she when to pick me up and i said " no i dont bath with people" and again spanks me and says " you will learn you are a baby and babies do what they are told and dont fight back" than i was placed in the water and mom washes us all over and than dries us off and carried us to Lucas room and lays us on the change table one at a time and diapers us, than puts footed sleepers on us, and for me the zipper was on the back with a snap closer over it so i can cant take it off. we are than put in cribs and i was given a soft blue blanket and than kissed on the forhead and told " good night baby" than the crib side is raised up and locked into place and the light turned off. 

i stand up and try and get out and can barrly touch the top of the crib rail when i hear lucas " i told you when we get put in here we are stuck till they take us out" i try a few more times than sit on my diapered bum and think about everything that has happened and i wrap myself in the blanket and remeber my plushie on my bed and wish i had him right now becuase i allways hugged him when i was not feeling good or was very stressed and he calmed me down every time. i guess the tiredness won and i feel alseep


( Williams pov)

i see Ann come down the stairs and say " that new boy is a handful, i had to spank that boy i think 5 or 8 times today, he will be a baby and behave like one" yes sweetheart just give him time its new to him. she looks at me and i say " what im about to tell you NEVER leaves this room" she nods and i say " my research is valid! i have proof of other dimensions!" Ann says " omg thats great how" i say " its Jules! hes from a diffrent dimension! in his world kids are potty trained before they turn 4 year old thats why he was fighting you becuase to him its not normal to be a baby." and i continue to explain that i used my connections to make him a fake idenity in this world as Orion mills and to just baby him like you do with out other boys and treat him like one of our sons till i can work on getting him back home. she sits there shocked and says " wow that explains alot i kinda feel bad now spanking him so much and being so hard on him" she says " ill make it up to him tommarrow and take him and lucas shopping, and make him feel loved and special and he needs to pick out a plushie that he will call his own" we both turn into bed and fall alseep

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