Fly High.

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Trigger warning: Cursing. Mentions of death. Cancer.


Just a little message from me.


Dear, Technoblade.

Thank you for everything you have done. I can't put my full gratitude towards you in words. I don't have words that express just how much I will miss you. Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face even when I was having the worst day. I have never left your stream without a smile on my face. I appreciate everything you did for us. And I think I speak for the majority of the community when I say you were the best Anachest King Pig we could have asked for. Even if your last moments you were thinking about us. Thank you for everything you have done. you impacted millions of lives and made even more of them smile. No one could have done it better and believe me when I say that. I will remember you, not because you passed but because you made a huge impact on my life. I will remember you whenever I look up at the stars and see the brightest one that brings the most light to us, I will remember that you look down on us. I will miss you but now you are in a better place. 

Rest in Peace, Technoblade. <3

My heart goes out to Techno's family. friends. and everyone still grieving. If you want to talk, my DMs are always open. I know some have moved on while others are still grieving and that's fine. If anyone tells you it's stupid to grieve over a CC's death then they are stupid. It's never stupid to let your emotions out and talk to someone about it. Know it's ok to grieve over a person's passing even if you didn't know them personally, they were someone you looked up to and someone important to you and that's what's important. Again, if you wanna talk or vent, my DMs are open and I will more than likely look at them. I know this is late but I had zero motivation to write something. I will be putting out a one-shot, headcanon, or preference chapter soon. I'll not write any one-shots about Techno. Maybe preferences and headconons from time to time, not any one-shots, the ones I have up right now will stay up other than that, no more will be written. Thank you for reading. Have a good day and don't forget to take care of yourselves. 

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