Preference #7

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Will they survive the zombie apocalypse and if so how in my opinion.



-Yes! He will survive, he will run away to find a camp or shelter and travel with people. He ran from the cops, he can outrun some zombies. 
-He would take the logical approach. 
-Always has a weapon on him to make sure they never get close to him.






-  On his own? Not a chance. He wouldn't even know it happened.
-If with Dream and SapNap then he would survive. He would stay with them because he trusts them or stays at the camp with people to protect him.
-You can depend on him to make food though if he has the resources that are. You have to provide them obviously.







- Yes! He will survive. Oh, his own or with other people.
-He can be aggressive when needed but knows when to take the logical approach.
-Prefers to stay with people but will survive either way.







- YES! Is that even a question? 
-Mans used to throw knives and can shoot competitively. Has a license to carry a gun.
-Those zombies aren't getting anywhere near him.







- Yes. I don't need to explain this, do I?
-Logically approach, will protect the people he cares about with his life. 
- The voices will deal with the zombies before he can get to them.

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