Headcanons #2

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Trigger warning: Cursing   SPOILERS FROM THE DREAM SMP LORE!!!


Techno lets your braid his hair since it helps keep the voice away when he is not wearing all the gold and if you are lucky you get to put flowers in the braid.  The voice loves you and is always very sweet and calm when you are around and they love to tease him to they call him stuff like "Simpnoblade" or "Softnoblade" and he turns red but when you ask him, he says its nothing but he told you one day and told you to never mention it again. 
Techno never wanted to hurt Tubbo or Tommy but when he was premeasured into killing Tubbo and everyone just blamed him and didn't even try to help him and did recognize his effort to prevent it, he didn't care anymore because he thought everybody just thought of him as a weapon.
When he helped Tommy after his exile and got betrayed, he swore to not give anyone more than one chance, he never said he wouldn't destroy L'Manburg, he just called Tommy his friend.


Dream used to keep his house hidden since he wanted you to feel safe when he wasn't home or when you just wanted a place to be at peace. Patches loved you immediately after you met her.

Karl Jacobs:

Karl and you used to travel together but he knew the consequences to come so he made you forget time traveling but both of you still have matching pocket watches, he had magic but the magic from yours was taken away when he took your memory of time traveling, he also edited pictures to tell you where you guys went in a specific time period.


Schlatt only has a soft spot for you and Big Q and acts softer and nicer around you guys so you don't leave him. He also acts tried and like he is sleeping so you give him cuddles cause he is too embarrassed to ask face to face.


He loves to take you on adventures in the jungle or around the SMP, he goes to the forest with you a lot to feed and look at pandas, and parrots. He got you a little sculpture of you guys in a jungle surrounded by parrots and feeding pandas for your birthday and get you little things for you that reminds him of the adventures you guys go on.


George asked you to help him remake his Mushroom house when it was destroyed and since that day, he takes you with him to different flower fields every week or every other week to pick flowers to put in the vase. He says it's because he is colorblind and doesn't want to pick the wrong colored ones but you know that's just his excuse of not saying the real reason but he knows you know.


Eret lets you put on his crown, cape and sit on the throne when he is not doing royal duties. They also let you help them with keeping the castle clean like quality time together since they are usually very busy with royal duties. 


Takes your shopping and to flowers meadows with her as quality time, she also loves to bake with you since it gives you two more time together. 

My World. (D.S.M.P Headcanons, One-shots, Preferences.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang