Post-Episode: The deployment of Blurtic and Kizuna A.I.

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Meanwhile at the Mecha Deployment Dropship:

Mecha Pilot: We have an incoming data stream from our undercover allies.

Blurtic: Send them in the allies. Get the situation sorted now.

Armored Core OS: Main system: Activating Combat Mode. Coordinates received.

Commander: All units, prepare orbital deployment. Your callsign is 'Future Rhythm' and you will be Kizuna A.I.

Kizuna A.I.: Looks like you're going to need your ally friend. Prepare orbital approach.

The orbital doors open as the main base locates the coordinates.

Orbital Base OS: Warning: Orbital Launch Doors opening. Stand clear.

Cherry: We have the location, deploying now.

Blurtic: Okay! Entering in three..... two.... one....

The rail system starts recharging then releases all kinetic force when launched.

Kizuna A.I.: Entering Earth's orbit. Passing checkpoint three.

Radar Unit: Check your landing zone. I'm going to let you land at any location.

Crewmate: Good luck on your mission operation. All crewmates, stand clear!

The crewmates of the orbital base moved back as the launch pods picked up speed.

Helicopter Pilot: Location confirmed. All units, investigate the situation.

Investigation Unit: Going down. All units, move in and spread out. 

Detection Unit: Look around. 

The landing zones that they designated, has successfully landed and entered on ground.

Tanker Unit: Looks like the unknown creature has crashed the cafeteria.

Armored Crewmate: That creature...... How'd they respond to that?!

Armed Crewmate: Casualty level is low. We can still move in.

Heavy Mecha Unit: Impossible, how could they do that?

Kizuna A.I. and Blurtic enters

Blurtic: Soldiers........

Kizuna A.I.: Let the operation commence.

[End of Post-Episode......]

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