Prologue: Legend of the Warriors

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When the world was new, the humans had started learning how to work together in small families, but they had started to accept new friends and making their families become bigger in size as well as their love. But what they didn't know was that their world was filled with so much more than humans, animals, and birds.
Legend has it that the world has powerful, but lonely spiritual souls wandering the unknown universe. But one day, a mage had wanted to give them a home, for them to understand what it like to have friendship and to live with their friends. He had made special items called beys that allow divine spirits of great power to gain physical form and bestow powers with their human partners.
It was also told that the wandering souls were once the guardians of humans. They took all kinds of forms: giant birds, dragons, gods, creatures, and so much more. But not many could see these guardians, only a few had the abilities to acknowledge their presences.
Some call this the gift of the Second Sight. Not many understands it, but it gives people to see more than meets the eye. It grants the ability to see the power of the spirits and the strength of the partners, between human and spirit. But it's not the only ability between them.
Two types of auras radiated from them: A powerful aura is called a Resonance that's formed whenever the partners is ignited by a Blader's competitor spirit and willpower. Another powerful aura is called a Flare that is formed by the fighting spirit between the partners and is sparked into a fire.
The ongoing years has became peaceful and fun with human and spirit as one. They had discovered the joy and intensity of beybattles and competitions against one another, which draw forth the Four Emperors and these four brothers had became strong leaders over the great land. But one day, a mysterious man named Philip has came to view with a bey called Shadow Phoenix. He had deceived many people with his calm and gentle face. But only six Bladers had seen through his mask and seen his true, dark power underneath his surface.
One was a girl Blader was called Eagle Eye and wields the bey that held the spirit of a thunderbird. She was a powerful Blader and has such a strong bond with her bey that she reaches the gift of the Second Sight and Resonance, but she's unpredictable and mysterious as a thunderstorm. She's the one who realized that Philip has a darkness inside of him and a corrupted resonance within.
The second Blader was called Dark Horse and wields the bey that held the spirit of a knight astride on a horse. He was a determined and passionate Blader and has a powerful bond with his bey, and this relationship is one of the reasons that motivates him to become a strong Blader. He had seen what type of damage that Philip has done to other Bladers and beys.
The third Blader was called Flamimg Sword and wields the bey that held the spirit of a turtle that resembles a tree. He was confident and formal in battle, but he is extremely loyal to his friends and honest whenever he battles. He had seen what Philip was up to with his dark way of beyblading.
The fourth Blader was called Fire Blaze and wields the bey that held the spirit of a winged snake. He's able to pull off some impressive tricks, as well as utilizing this skill in his bey battles. He was willing to take down Philip and Shadow Phoenix, but he knew that he has to be careful or he will loose his bey.
The fifth Blader was called Shadow Walker and wields the bey that held the spirit of a unicorn. He was calm and friendly with his friends and rivals. He has the ability to hide in plain sight and then appear when people least expect it. He's able to see more than what people can see in the shadows. He and Flamimg Sword were the first ones to see what Philip was after in the depths of the forest.
Lastly, the sixth Blader was called Sharp Ear and wields the bey that held the spirit of a white knight. He was quiet and reserved, but he cares for his friends and helps them as much as he can. His special ability is that his hearing is so sharp that he can sense a Burst Finish coming before it even happens. He doesn't want anybody suffer against Philip and Shadow Phoenix, but was willing to help other Bladers in need.
These six Bladers had enough seeing their friends' and Emperors' beys being destroyed at Philip's hand, they had decided to take matters into their own hands. They had met each other in a circle of trees that's besides a waterfall. The six of them had came to an agreement and had decided to battle Philip and Shadow Phoenix as a team.
Once it was announced, Philip had agreed to battle these Bladers in the beystadium in the center of town to battle. As they battled against Philip, they felt their friendship grow for each other. However, they were lucky enough to have each other as friends. They had eventually dragged Philip out of the darkness and showed him that he was wrong. They put every emotion they had right into their Beys, and they used every bit of that strength to show him... exactly what true strength was, and true resonance.
Once the battle was over, they were known as the Six Warriors of Beyblading. They had each sworn a solemn oath to make the strong from the weak, mend the broken, and vanquish evil to protect all those who need them. Whenever danger brews, seek them out.
But unknowingly to them, six Bladers has been watching the whole entire thing in secrecy for the whole time and they had disappeared into the thickest part of the fog as they began to wake up in their respective places.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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