Chapter 2

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When I returned home it was midnight. Sometimes I forget how much time passes between the two worlds.

Thankfully, my mom knows where I was so I won't be in trouble.

I got ready for bed but did not go to sleep. Instead, I spent the rest of my night reading the ceremony incantation over and over. While I may not be able to cast in my home realm, memorizing the words is possible.


I awoke to my alarm at five am. It was time to begin my day... again. I groggily sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I had stayed up till at least three reading the incantation, which meant I was running on a low battery.

I slowly made my way out of my bed and got ready for the long day ahead of me. I slipped on a plain grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a black beanie. This was a comfy outfit for me. Just the thing I needed to get through my day.

I tiredly made my way downstairs to make myself coffee and breakfast...the other things I needed to get through my day.

After breakfast I made my way to the school bus stop. As usual, a small crowd of other high school students were gathered. They all chatted amongst themselves in smaller groups or pairs as I stood alone. I didn't really talk to anyone on my bus. All of them were focused on the trending things I didn't care for. I usually wore headphones to drown out their conversation and prevent anyone from attempting to strike up a conversation.

Not long after I arrived at my bus stop the bus pulled up, coming to a screeching halt. I took my normal seat in the very back and began reading one of my magic books. The other students around me took to talking, laughing, sleeping, or staring out the window. Occasionally one would ignore the fact that I clearly did not want to talk and ask what book I was reading. I would make something up to prevent me from sounding crazy and getting bullied.


When the bus finally stopped at the school, I got off and headed to my locker. Just like every morning, my best friend Ashley was standing next to my locker waiting for me. We had the same homeroom so we always walked there together. She was the only person at school who knew I practiced magic.

"You look super dead," Ashley said concerned, "you want one of my energy drinks?"

She held out a Monster energy drink in a bright blue can. Ashley always had five in her bag and some days she drank all of them, which is a little concerning, but no one could tell her no.

"No, I have practice again tonight so I can't afford to crash. Thanks though."

"That's why you drink two, duh. One to get you through the day and one to get you through the crash."

I rolled my eyes. Ashley was sweet, but sometimes was a little too obsessed with getting people hooked on the stuff she loved. I understood though. Being different from everyone else sucks and having people who will actually listens is hard. That's why Ashley and I are such great friends, we get each other.

"So did you ask yet if I can come to your ceremony?"

"No, my aunt isn't happy with me and I don't think she'll appreciate knowing I told someone from this world knows. Plus I think everyone in the family will have a heart attack seeing you scene queened out for it."

"But what about your cousin Vivian? Isn't she a scene queen too?"

"Yeah but they make her take it off for special events."

"That's ass."



I went through the rest of the day as usual, bored in class and chatting with Ashley in the classes we had together. In the ones I didn't have with her, I studied my spells, hoping no one would notice or the teacher didn't yell at me.

The last period of my day was the only class with Ashley I didn't feel bored in. I had it with my neighbor, childhood friend, and former crush Dylan. Dylan was the most popular guy in school and was on the football team. He had fluffy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He, unlike me, became popular as he got older and was also dating the snootiest girl in school Brittany. Unfortunately she was also in my class.

"Hey Emily," Dylan smiled as I sat at my desk.

We were assigned next to each other which was awesome.

"Hey Dylan," I smiled back.

"You look tired today. You doin alright?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just been having trouble sleeping. That dog down the block is keeping me up again."

"Yeah that makes sense Mr. York really needs to train that puppy better."

"Hey Dylan," a familiar voice cooed from the row next to me, "why are you talking to weird girl?"

"Brittany, Emily and I have known each other for years," Dylan replied.

"So that doesn't make her any less weird."

I looked over at Brittany and she flipped me off. I rolled my eyes and said bitch under my breath. Thankfully the teacher also began his lesson, so she wouldn't be able to hear me.


After class I packed up my stuff and left the room, me tally preparing myself for another long night of practice.

"Hey Emily!" Dylan called, "wait up!"

I turned around to see him running down the hall trying to catch me.

"If you're free on Friday I am having a small party. My parents are out of town and my older brother is back in town from college, so I figured I'd do something fun. See you tomorrow."

I froze. Dylan invited me to a party? First, he should no by now I'm not really a party person, but second there is no way I could go. The last day of practice before the ceremony. I'd really have to pull some magic to make that happen.

Emily Jefferson: Girl of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now