Volume 1: Chapter 2 Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I may have had a hand in putting it together."

"I see... Half an hour to prepare huh...? Well I guess if the practical show of the proposal doesn't take too long, then I can spare some time. But it better be worth the wait."

"We're grateful. Satou. Go with the others and get prepared."

"Ahh. Thanks Horikita-san. And thank you Ayanokouji-kun."

Satou gave Kiyotaka a grateful expression for helping her talk with Horikita before leaving the classroom with Matsushita, Mei-Yu, Maezono and Kei. As they all left, Kei glanced at Kiyotaka and nodded her head at him, prompting Kiyotaka to nod his head back at her. It was as if they were communicating with their eyes again (which they were).

"You sounded confident about Satou-san's proposal, Ayanokouji-kun."

When the girls left, Horikita began a conversation with Kiyotaka to kill time before the main event.

"She has a good concept. I think you'll be accepting of this one with how hard she and the rest of us planned it."

"Is that so? Well then, I'm hoping that what I see ends up being something worth considering. Really, to think that you would help Satou-san with her proposal."

"Didn't you say all of us had to participate in the planning of the cultural festival? I understood what you and Matsushita were doing when she asked that participation question and you answered it."

"Yes. I did say so. But I didn't think you were going to follow it. Like Kouenji, I thought you would just do below the minimum and barely participate."

"I don't want to do much. But I understand the importance of the cultural festival so I'll do as much as I can to help."

"I see. Well that's good to hear."

After 30 minutes passed, the two left the classroom and began making their way towards the special building. Horikita was following behind Kiyotaka since the latter knew where exactly Kei, Satou and the rest had set up the practical show.

"By the way, how did you manage to get an empty classroom to use in the special building? Surely some of the classrooms would be used by clubs while the rest would be locked by the teachers."

"...I have my ways..."

Kiyotaka had managed to reserve a room in the special building for the girls thanks to the connection he had with the music teacher. He had contacted that teacher yesterday to arrange a classroom for him so they could make preparations for the maid cafe proposal.

He was lucky he had that connection since said teacher apparently used one of the empty rooms for herself often, which made borrowing said room for the maid cafe plan easier. Even if he didn't have the music teacher on his side, he was sure that he could have gained a room with Chabashira's help.

But he wasn't going to tell Horikita all this.

Soon, the two turned to another corridor and witnessed two recogniseable students in front of a certain classroom door. Kei and Maezono stood in front of the door of the borrowed classroom, guarding it to keep Satou's plan safe. As Kiyotaka and Horikita got closer, the two girls smiled their way.

"We protected this room from any possible spies, Kiyotaka."

"Good work, Kei. Maezono. Keep guarding for now until Horikita finishes looking through our proposal."

"Yes sir, Ayanokouji-kun! Enjoy your time as customers."

Like two soldiers part of the Japanese army, Kei and Maezono saluted their boss, and gave way for captain Kiyotaka and guest Horikita to enter the classroom. For a moment, Horikita looked confused as she probably only took in the latter half of Maezono's statement. It was likely that her expectations were rising just a little bit, hopeful for a proposal she could fully adopt for Class B's cultural festival contribution.

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