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PROMPT : You and Natasha get your periods at the same time and everyone in the compound has to deal with you.
EXTRA : For the sake of the story, Natasha didn't get a hysterectomy in the red room so she still gets her period.

"Ugh, mom!" I whined, noticing the scarlet red stain on my underwear as I sat down on the toilet.

"What, what is it?" She asked, rushing in the bathroom. "Oh, you too?" She shot me a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah." I sobbed, looking down.

"It's okay. Get in the shower, I'll get a movie ready for us with some snacks. How does that sound?" She rubbed my back and I nodded.

After having finished my shower and gotten dressed, I stepped out of the bathroom and saw mom already laying in my bed, looking through Netflix to find a good movie.

"What do you wanna watch, sweetheart?" She asked softly.

"I don't know. Uh, maybe Interstellar? It's my comfort movie." I smiled, laying next to her as she wrapped her hand protectively around me.

"I haven't watched it yet, so alright." She agreed and clicked on the movie.

Half way into the movie, as we were cuddling, I felt her wince.

"Cramps?" I asked, sitting up a bit.

"Yeah." She groaned, burying her face in my pillow.

"You okay?" I comfortingly rubbed her stomach.

"Yeah, let's just keep watching." She said, holding in tears.

When the ending scene played, we both started crying our eyes out.

"This is so sad!" Mom yelled, in tears.

"I- I know." I sobbed, grabbing about a million tissues from the box in front of us and mom did the same.

Tony then walked in my room. "Woah, you guys okay?"

"No!" We shouted, crying hysterically. Ah, the beauty of hormones.

"O- Okay. I'll just go." He said, shutting our door.

The next morning, I woke up feeling excruciating pain radiating from my stomach.

"Mom!" I cried, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Huh- What?" Mom rasped, stirring awake.

"My stomach hurts." I groaned.

"Oh, baby. Take these pills, you'll be fine in a minute. Let's go have some breakfast, yeah?" She smiled, sitting up too. "Let's do our morning routine first though."

We got up, but my stomach just hurt too much.

"Momma, I can't do it." I frowned, sitting on the toilet as she brushed her teeth.

She spat in the sink, then said. "Here, I'll help you baby." She grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

"Spit." She ordered, holding up my hair.

After having cleaned ourselves up, we both went down to the kitchen, made coffees then decided to sit with everyone in the backyard.

"How are my two favorite ladies?" Tony smirked as we sat on the table.

Mom and I just glared at him.

"You guys okay?" Steve asked, genuinely concerned, not understanding what was going on.

"Best stay away from them, Capcicle. They're on their period." Tony said, biting down on his toast.

"Shut it." I mumbled.

Mom and I continued drinking our coffee quietly, until Thor decided to join us. Oh, god.

"I demand twenty five croissants!" He ordered, sitting down at the end of the table and slamming his fists on it.

"Calm down, tiger." Sam chuckled.

"You don't get to throw around demands, Thor. You're on Earth, not Asgard." Mom rolled her eyes.

"I was only kidding." He raised his eyebrow, looking at everyone for an explanation on mom's behavior.

"Natasha and her kid are on their period. Don't piss them off." Tony informed and we huffed.

After being done with our hectic morning, to say the least, we went up to mom's room. She decided to read her book and I started getting a bit bored. So, I stood up, and threw myself on the bed, landing on top of her.

"Ouch!" She giggled, wiggling out of my grip and standing up with her hair sticking up in so many different places. She then placed her hands on her hips and smirked. I knew that look all too well, tickles.

"Stop!" I pleaded, out of breath from all the tickling.

"Fine, fine." She smiled, laying next to me.

We then just zoned out and stared at the ceiling, until I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach.

"Not again!" I whined, curling up into a ball.

"You'll be fine, honey." Mom assured me, stroking my hair.

"I fucking hate periods." I mumbled, burying my face in between my knees.

"Language." Mom said sarcastically but sternly.

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