18. let's meet aunt may pieteo

Start from the beginning

A small frown was on his face when I looked up at him , then a sparkle lit up his eyes and a broad smile look it up his handsome face. He had an idea, it was as so cute when he did that his eyes would scrunch up in the perfect way to make him look sexy and cute at the same time like how is that even possible!?!

"Yes?" I ask
You had your idea face on I laugh
"O-oh right, well I could carry you to school then you'll be there  a few minutes early."

"Oh t-that, that's a good idea babes" I say I was going to swing to school but I'm low on web fluid as it is and I need to make some more in chemistry later so this was a far better alternative.

Without another word I was swept up into a princess carry. I looked up at pietro holding me effortlessly in his strong arms with a firm grip and soft hands.

"You ready Petey?"

I nestled my head into the crook of his neck and hummed in affirmation.

I watched the world pass me by, it was swift and not uncomfortable, it felt like I wasn't moving at all it was so fast. I felt like my hair stuck up and my cheeks turn pink from the adrenaline pumping through my body in this moment. Being with him was the best thing that could ever be reality and to think that only months ago we didn't know each other is incredible. I don't know what I would come to if I ever lost Pietro.

With that I was stood on my feet once more and I kinda missed the warmth that he has been radiating. But I quickly brushed that thought away and looked up at him.

"That was so cool!!! Thanks for the lift my knight in silver armour you just saved me from detention." I joked you before leaning in and give him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before running into a school on time.

I find Ned and MJ standing outside of first period AP mathematics I waved at  them and jog my way over to them.

"Hey guys, Mj hey did you get any good sketches whilst I've been gone?
Hey Ned do you have any new Lego sets that we can do next weekend?"

Ned starts talking immediately about a new thousand price lego star wars set mum got him last week while I was gone and how we could build it tomorrow at my place.

Mj called us losers and all was right in the world. until it wasn't. The one and only Eugene fucking flash Thompson decides that this is the perfect time to ruin my day.

"Penis parker finally back huh? Thought you ran away with your tail between your legs like the pathetic faggot that you are " Eugene taunted.

'urg this idiot never learns I'm done with this shit. I look down at my wrist in mild contemplation so I shoot him to the ground and make him learn a lesson he won't forget this time around.

The corridors were empty as classes began and I smirk at Eugene and flick my wrist activating the web shooters around my wrists. I look up and I'm met  with a smug looking Mj and Ned looking like a gaping fish whilst flash looked at us like we were complete idiot's. To him I suppose we did after all to him all I did was flick my wrist so it's honestly understandable why he thinks we're all stupid with the looks on our faces.

Oh well, I know my friends know what I'm about to do and are clearly also fed up with the shit they have to go through everyday with this idiot. 8 don't even care if he tells anyone because whoa going to believe that penis parker is spiderman. Yeah he will be laughed at so much he might even transfer if we're lucky.

With that though in mind I flick my wrist once again and a web came out and attached itself to Eugene's leg. Perfect a quick tug later and Eugene was sprawled out on the floor.

"Leave us alone Eugene." Without another word I walked away flicking my wrist once more deactivating the web shooters.

The rest of the morning went rather smoothly, with classes, now it was lunch time. I ordered chilli with rice, chips on the side and a brownie for desert and a bottle of water before making my way over to our table in the corner away from everyone else. I loved that table only me Mj and Ned ever go anywhere near it and it's away from others so it's not an overload for my senses.

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