chapter three

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Tuesday afternoon rolled around quicker than Harriet would've expected, the two school days barely registering in her mind. Dan was still unimpressed that she was helping Billy that evening, but had let up slightly and dropped his attitude with her. That didn't mean he didn't vocalise his distrust of Billy, but she could allow that, it was understandable. Within two days the Californian had earned himself a reputation, rumours flying that he had already hooked up with someone though who exactly varied from person to person.

Dan made sure to walk Harriet out to the parking lot, his arm around her shoulders as he held her close to him. She normally rode home with him, but today he was having to hand her over to Billy Hargrove who was already stood smoking by his Camaro. Harriet looked up to her boyfriend, about to say her farewell but he cut in before the words could leave her mouth. "If he tries anything, you call me okay?" His tone was stern, but she knew it was coming from a good place. Billy's reputation was one that would strike fear into even the most secure of couples, so she didn't mind him being overprotective. She also knew she could take care of herself, and wasn't about to let someone who was pretty much a stranger try anything in her own home.

"It'll be fine Dan, I promise. I'll call you later tonight?" She hoped the offer of the phone call would ease his mind a little, knowing that she wanted his company even if it was just through the telephone line.

"Sounds good babe." He leant down and kissed her, lingering a little longer than he usually would. She pulled away with a small laugh, aware he was trying to delay her leaving to join Billy at his car. She gave him another small peck before strolling over to the blue Camaro, turning around to wave to Dan one last time before she reached Billy.

The tall blonde boy had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as usual, his lips curling into a smile as Harriet approached him at his car. He watched as she waved at her boyfriend, and after she'd turned back to face him he waved over to the other boy himself, watching as his face screwed up in annoyance and he stormed off to his own car. Harriet rolled her eyes at him, her small frame now in front of his own. "Stop winding him up." Billy knew she was trying to be firm with him, but her voice didn't lend itself to such a tone, he couldn't help but laugh at her attempt. "I'm serious!" She put her hands on her hips, looking more like a stubborn child than a woman standing her ground. He just shook his head at her, still smiling down at the small blonde in front of him. She couldn't keep up her stubbornness for long, eventually sighing and smiling back at him.

"We gotta wait for Max so I can drop her off home first if that's cool?" Billy took a drag from his cigarette as he spoke, the words coated in the smoke that escaped his mouth. He glanced over towards the middle school, Harriet connecting the dots that it must be the girl she'd seen get out his car yesterday.

"Oh yeah that's cool! Is that your sister?" She didn't think anything of the question, but the way Billy tensed up when she asked gave the impression she may have struck a nerve.

"No, that little shit is not my sister." He spoke bluntly, not looking at Harriet or anything in particular really.

"Oh right, you just carpool with a middle schooler? Does she drive Fridays?" Harriet tried to lighten the mood with her joke, but it fell flat and the nerve she'd already struck was now very much inflamed.

"Don't get smart Harriet." Billy snapped, without raising his voice. She was taken aback by the whole thing, but decided to drop it rather than try to prod any further. It was clearly a sensitive subject, and she knew better than anyone that family matters are sometimes better left alone.

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