< Chapter 1 ~ Warm Brown Eyes Amidst The Snow >

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Blitzaire's ice-blue eyes blinked open, her body lying in a pile of almost-melted snow.

"What-why-how-where is he?"

"What do you mean, he?" Warm brown eyes gazed at the princess as she sat up in the snow. "I'm Celeste. Jungle queen, formerly ocean queen, formerly formerly Aether resident. I know, it's a mouthful. And I technically still am the ocean queen."

"Princess Blitzaire of Cryctico Empire. Nice to make your acquaintance, and you can call me Blitz." Blitzaire stood up, stumbled, and fell back down. Through her blurry vision, all she could see was the approximate shape of Celeste's silhouette, and the pure-white snow surrounding her.

She remembered she was in her tower of Cryctico Palace when she blacked out, but this was definitely not her tower.

"Celeste, do you know anything about the Cryctico Empire? This should be our palace - that was our city -" She named and pointed out places where things should've been.

"Cryctico Empire...I might have some records in my libraries. Can you fly?" The wings on Celeste's back fluttered a bit.

"Wings.... I can summon mine, but I don't know if I can fly right now..." She tried to stand up again, this time managing to keep her balance but barely. "And where is your empire? Being Cryctican, I'm not really that good with hotter regions..."

"Oh. Okay..." Celeste thought for a bit. " My current empire is in the jungle, but I'm pretty sure everything in my jungle records are in my ocean libraries as well. But that's farther, especially if we have to take detours to avoid tropical places."

"Yeah... that's what comes with being Cryctican. We always have to get representatives from our allies to do anything involving heat...But it's autumn now, isn't it? I think I could make do in your jungle for just a short bit of time."

A wand of finely carved ice materialised in Blitzaire's hand as she whispered a few words under her breath. She drew a rune in the air, the frosty draft of the mountains shining golden where the wand's tip came into contact. The wand disappeared from Blitz's hand, with crystalline wings came into appearance on her back.

"Nice wings! And...how do you know it's autumn?"

"Just a little something I picked up in my training. And if there's nothing holding us back further, would you guide the way to your empire?"

"Pleasure. Let's fly!"

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