Math Class (MF)

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short - flirting in class

Nibbling on my blue ball point pen cap, I struggled to pay attention to what my math teacher was rambling on about. To my dismay, everyone was fully captivated by whatever formula some bored insufferable nerd found in the 18th century. Rolling my eyes, as if anyone could concentrate in the insufferable summer heat, my god, why do we still have school in the middle of July.

Diverting my attention to the ticking of the second hand clock, counting down the seconds until the bell that signals the end to this dreadful school day. Hoping that my unrelenting stare will will that hand to move faster. Motherfu-, my only entertainment in this godawful class is stuck.

Anyway, its about time I paid heed to the BS is on the board. Heaving a loud sigh, I picked up the ball pen with the intention of copying it on the board. Thats what I would be doing if I hadn't been so rudely interrupted by the disgrace of a human being situated at the row behind me.

That son of a bitch pulled by hair.

'Fuckin' hell h/l/n, did you really have to tug it that hard?' I barked as I swiveled by head back to face his ruffed mess of a head, feeling a bit better as my ponytail whacked him in the face.

"Christ y/l/n, ever heard of shampoo? Your hair reeks" he complained. His forehead flaunting an obvious red bump from laying on his forearm as he dozed of in class.

"Sorry, didn't have time to get acquainted last night. Stayed over at your dad's last night, but he seemed to have loved my unwashed hair. Hope we didn't disturb your beauty sleep." I smirked

"Ah so that's where you were last night. Don't worry, I wouldn't have heard you no matter how loud you were. Nice knowing me and your mom didn't stop you from getting any action." He smirked back

Not wanting to take any more of his bullshit, "What'd you want dickhead?" you snapped.

"You, me, after class, under the bleachers" He said nonchalantly

"Can't I'm devoted to your dad, he packed much more. Lasts longer too." You retorted with a laugh that got cut short as he pulled out his flask and downed its contents in one gulp, the muscles and veins on his neck clearly visible.

He snorts, "Your mom clearly lied during girl talk, wouldn't want to let you down with the fact that you're not getting enough"

Even though I'm sure we're both virgins, I love the dynamics of our conversations no matter how dirty the topic is.

"Drinking in class, I see..." I attempted to school my face into a bored complexion, ignoring the way my cheeks flushed as his ocean blues stared at me with a cocked grin.

"Like the ways my lips move don't you y/n" He teased

"I'd like to see if you're all talk and no action h/n" I teased back, giving an obvious show of me gazing down in the direction of his crotch.

"If you want a taste, just say the word. I'd fuck the loyalty to my dad right out your brain. The only h/l/n you'll be begging for is me." He replied with his tongue pressing on the inside of his cheeks.

Fuck, I am so fucked. Why does he have to be so damn attractive. Damn, this seating arrangement is going to be the death of me. Here lies y/n y/l/n, death by sitting in front of h/n h/l/n. Thats tenfolds better than death by heat stroke.

My gaze catches on the way the muscles in his hands flex, detailing the veins that run under his skin. What kind of 17 year old has hands like that, its so unfair. I can't stop the images my brain shows of his hands wrapped around my body as he fucks me into oblivion ew, do not go there.

I snapped back into reality as h/n snaps his fingers in my face. God, those hands. "Earth to y/n, didn't know if I should let you fantasize about sucking me off while the merchandise is right in front of you"

"Thanks for reminding me" I stated

"Remind you of wha-" He started, before he was rudely interrupted by another smack in the face thanks to my ponytail.

"That I'm sick of staring at your ghastly face for too long. Might have to check with my eye doctor before your hideousness blinds me forever" I chortled

"The thought of that ain't to bad, being the last handsome face you see, who else do you want to see anyway after getting a glimpse of this sexy snack." He enunciated. The pause and the shuffling of clothes is clearly him gesturing to his marvelous body that I'd love to trace with my tongue.

The hot air, that must be why I'm feeling so horny today, and not because of the unbearably tantalizing boy behind me.

I waved a hand over a finger in a poor attempt to shush him, but ended up with me smacking him in the face. My jaw dropped, the feel of his face still lingering on my hands. A glistening sheen where my hand made contact with his luscious lips. His skin is so damn soft, what is his skincare routine, because man, I need that. Not as much as you'd like his lips on yours, your brain retorted. Freaking summer heat.

"Woww, really can't take the fact I'm the last prettiest face you'll last see huh y/n. I was kidding, you didn't have to clock me in the face. Damn i didn't know you despised my face so much. I should have insured this piece of art. Also, why are you wearing such sharp rings."

I turned back around to see a red line across his cheek. Shit. Before I could suppress the urge, I reached out to wipe the blood off his face, hand lingering for too long. He nuzzles and rests against my hand.

I didn't know how long we stayed this way until he broke the silence. Well, long enough for me notice the arrangement of freckles on his face.

"I'm going to take this as a token of you trying to ruin my handsome face" He murmurs, gazing down at a silver band hes twirling in his hand. It took me a second to recognize that hes twirling the ring I was wearing, the ring that caused that bloody gnash on his face. I must have missed him taking it off. How did he even -?

I didn't get a chance to ponder over it since I was interrupted by the loud reverberations of the school alarm clock signaling the end to the school day. As the students around me shuffle out and about with the teacher calling out a reminder on the latest homework assignment, I gaze back at the linger touch of his hand.

I looked up to see h/n pocketing the ring, and strolling out the class, with a wink.

(1164 words)

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