IX: Just Wanted To Sleep.

Start from the beginning

Ryujin seems a bit, no, a lot more uncomfortable. Not because of anything about ber but the person beside, so she came up with an idea. It's not the greatest but it'll do.

She got enough of it and suddenly acted impulsively. Standing in front of yeji that surprised her friends. Then she plopped herself down, crossing her legs as she sit on the floor. Yeji looked at her confused but she just smiled before handing her balloon to yuna and then tiliting her head sideways and rest it on yeji's lap. "The game just made me sleepy... Let me for a moment" she said and closed her eyes.

Yeji gently patted Ryujin's head looking at yuna and chaer for any explanation but both just shrugged. They just let her be and continued watching the game, the two freely moving and cheering soobin everytime he score a point while the brunette can't seem to move as she cared for the sleeping person on her lap.

Unknown to them how the whiskered secretly formed a smile, enjoying the feeling of being patted by the other as well as protecting her from the eyes of others.

But it soon turned to frown when she heard her friends talk.

"Yah Yeji unnie, you keep on looking that way. Soobin is on the other side" Chaer pointed on both sides with the balloon she's holding.

"Ooohhh Yeji unnie might be eyeing someone look.... She keeps on smiling" Yuna teased.

"No, no one. Oh Soobin scored again" Yeji then pointed on the game, avoiding the teasings.

Obviously, she can't stop herself from smiling... While watching the game.

The other two just keep on glancing and talking with their eyes as the game goes on. Then the whiskered moved a bit from her seat, maybe to more 'comfortable' on taking a nap that surely caught the brunette's attention and continued on caressing her head.

After a while, it looks like the game ended and from the shouts and cheers of her friends, it seems like they won.

Ryujin was then being woken up by yeji but still choose not to move, but when a club authority was heard looking for her, she quickly stand up and went to that person. Again, shocking her friends for her sudden action.

Before she took turns with her club mate, she asked to take back her bag that has other needed equipments for her camera that was also borrowed by the other.

She quickly placed her bag on Yeji's lap before leaving her friends to fulfill her duty for the day.

Going down on the court, she congratulated Soobin leading his team to victory. Then she asked to take photos of the whole group before he pulled Yeonjun with him.

Ryujin's face couldn't be painted while she took their photo but as it was her duty, she can't just say no.

After, she talked to her club mate and discussed few photos to feature in their school paper, then she went to look for her friends although they might have eaten as it's already past lunch. Coming back to the gym with only yeji on sight.


"Hey, where are they? Have you eaten?" I asked and take a sit beside her. Seeing that my bag is still placed on her lap.

"They're eating and... I-- I thought you'll be eating alone so I kind of waited for you" she looked at me with those smiles.

Now I'm asking myself if I could still handle seeing those smiles. 'I'm scared for this to develop'.

"Come on then" I wore my bag on my shoulder before pulling her wrist and leading our way.

As I glance at her, she looks confused but still don't ask and maybe trusting me to where we'll go, which is enough to make me again... The happiest.

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