Chapter 1

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The beginning is a bit slow but I promise it will pick up throughout the chapter. Enjoy :)


The sound of my alarm clock startled me awake. It marked a new day of my new life.

My dad jad just gotten a new job in Florida ; which meant a WHOLE new life for me.

Yipee -.-

My mother begged my father to stay in Georgia. Our life was there. MY life was there. Yes, I am aware of how self centered that sounds but honestly, Georgia is where I belonged. My school was there, my best friends were there and Kyle- my boyfriend, was there. So leaving everything behind was kind of a big thing for me. And now came the time where I had to face the "new girl" faze again ; where when you walk down the hallway people will stare and whisper and where the teachers will always pick you to answer the question that you dont understand. I would have had to go through it anyway so I might aswell get it over and done with.

The first thing I did was check my phone. A few twitter notifactions, some instagram notifactions and a good morning text from Kyle. Kyle and I have agreed on keeping a long distance relationship. Everyone told me it wouldn't work out, that we will eventually break up and meet new people. But we didn't care what people thought because we were gonna make it work.

Kyle: Good morning babe 😘 imy

Me: Hey kylee :) I miss you way more!!

Kyle is typing...

Kyle: How is Florida?

Me: What do you think? ITS AWFUL

Kyle: Well Georgia hasn't been the same without you.

Me: Awee thats soo sweet 😊 I gtg get ready for school. Wish me luck!

Kyle is typing...

Kyle: Good luck sweetheart. We will talk later ok?

Me: sure ofc :)

And with that I turned off my phone got out of bed. Today was a new day and a fresh start. I was gonna make the most of it.

I went to my bathroom and hopped into the shower. I put on a shower cap because I had already washed my hair the night before. Once I was done with my shower, I went back into the room to get dressed. I picked out the most presentable and cute outfit I had.

See the problem with highschool is, you can't wear anything without being judged or labeled. If you wear designer clothes you will be known as the stereotype mean girl with her possy that follows her everywhere. If you wear something short youre a slut. If you wear something cute youre a try hard. I didn't want people to get the bad impression of me. Especially on my first day. So I chose a black tank top with a flannel on top and some blue ripped jeans to match.

I ran down stairs and grapped a poptart from the fridge. I was about to go out the door when my mom called me back. I was prepared for this. The "Choose the right friends and do well in school" lecture.

"Yes mom?" I said as nicely as I possibly can ; trying to hide how annoyed I was.

"Listen sweetheart" she said as she put her hands on my shoulder. "You know I want the best for you, right?" I nodded, "Ok then so I trust you to pick the right group of friends. You know when I was a kid..." THIS WAS ABOUT TO GET OUT OF HAND AND I HAD TO LEAVE OR ELSE SHE WILL NEVER STOP. She had a tight grip on my shoulder but I managed pull away. I ran out the door as quickly as possible. I looked back and there she was standing at the door waving goodbye and yelling at me to take care. It was so loud everyone turned around and looked. She was the most embarrassing person ever but I loved her to bits.

** 7:30 am @ school**

Everything is soo different. The people, the hallways, the classrooms. I walked down the halls in utter confusion. No one was staring or pointing... yet.

I looked down at my schedule and my first period was Biology. Where the hell is that? My only choice was to ask someone. Everyone seemed to busy socalizing ; boasting about where they went and what they did over the summer holidays.

"You look a little lost, princess" said a deep and sexy voice from behind me."

Hey Loves ❤️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it was a bit too long I just had to get the story started. Can you guess who the deep and sexy voice belongs too?
Leave your ideas in the comments below. Dont forget to follow and vote :)
Until next time 😘

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