letting go.

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i have decided it is time to let us go. and to let everything we had go, i'm no longer holding onto the past or what we used to have. i am finally over you. just like you are me. i met a boy named zach which is my ex bestfriends ex , it's a long story, and he treats me good. he's funny. the best person i could ever ask for. i deleted your contact, all the pictures in my memories of us and you. i no longer cry myself to sleep. i no longer wait for you to text me. i no longer stalk your social medias. i no longer wish the worst for you even though i know i should. i am finally over you. and it feels so good. i'm so free, and so happy, this is the happiest i've ever been in my entire life thanks to us losing touch. i no longer care what you're doing or who you fuck. i no longer care about how you're doing. i no longer check in on you. i am no longer stuck on you. we always used to say "in another lifetime" or "in another multi universe we're together and happy" i hope i never meet you in another lifetime and i never met you in the other multiverses. we always used to say "forever and always" but i've thought of a different meaning to that phrase, forever and always we will keep living even without eachother. i no longer love you. i'm no longer here for you, me and you are officially over. oh and if you're wondering what happened to the girl? she's my bestfriend now. my for real ride or die.

this is the end of our chapter, but there is a million more chapters to come. but this time, you won't be in them. this is my last goodbye to you.

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