the night we met..

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august 28th 2021.
i had just woken up from my nap to check my phone to see if my boyfriend had texted me. *no notifications* i go to text him and find out i'm blocked. before i can say anything tears are running down my face. why do i deserve this? did i do something wrong? i check the time and find out it's ALREADY 5 o'clock i have to be at the fair in less than an hour. i through on shorts and a crop top and text my boyfriend on my moms phone . i asked him why he blocked me and he immediately unblocked me. i sent him a picture of what i was wearing and he immediately told me to change. in fear, i did what i was told. i know this wasn't healthy but that's the only way i knew how to love. i threw on ripped jeans and he says they're okay. i don't understand. he blocked me and now he wants to tell me what I can wear? "whatever" i think and put on my Jordan's and run out the door. if i don't hurry i'm gonna be late. i get to the fair and i immediately see this girl i became friends with after comforting her at a pool because she was being body-shamed. we start talking and it's like we never stopped. i had so much fun that night and i posted a picture of us together and sure enough, as soon as my ex had seen it i was blocked . i had asked him why on messages cause he did not block my number and he told me he was my only friend i don't need anyone else and told me to block her. so i did. later that night i uploaded a tiktok of me on a ride and this girl commented "hey i was there" "small world" i responded. i quickly got her snap because damn she was fine. we started talking and it's like it all clicked. everything was gonna be okay again because i had this girl and i didn't need anyone else. i face-timed her that night to play roblox. my mom started yelling at me so she hung up and told me to just talk to her. i ended up doing so and it caused us to get a lot closer. "what else could this girl do to help?" i thought.
we immediately fell in love with eachother. and talked for a few more weeks. as time went by i found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with this girl. and then my ex texted me.

our chapterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें