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There used to be eight survivors. Now there were only five. The 13th A.A.F.B-24 Liberator crew survived eighteen sunbaked, storm-ridden days in an open raft floating on the Pacific Ocean. Kelly had been one of them. Jack Woods, another

The diner was closed for the day. The meal was catered in. The caterers shoved the four tops together to make one long table. The stuffed shrimp, baked crab, lobster tails, and steaks made for an appetizing meal

At seven o'clock, the survivors started to arrive. One by one they shared greetings. Their hugs, kisses, and tears showed the love and respect the men still had for each other. It might have only been a year that separated them, but each new year, one of them was missing. They didn't have to ask where that man was. They didn't have to, but mostly they didn't want to. They all knew that none of them would live forever, and the only way they could celebrate the life of the last one gone was through the next reunion.

At first, Jackie felt shy and awkward when she was introduced. She shook their hands and smiled, but inside thoughts about running to the bathroom overwhelmed her, but she fought them.

Every time the diner's door opened, and the bell rang, Jackie eagerly watched whoever was coming through. Each time, disappointment showed on her face. Finally, Kelly pulled her aside.

"He's coming, Jackie."

"Are you sure?" She searched his face. "Maybe he changed his mind. Or maybe he had something better to do."

At Kelly's wry smile, she sighed and turned her gaze to the floor.

"Stop, Jackie." He lifted her chin. "You'll drive yourself crazy."

"Too late for that," she said.

"You just need a little confidence in yourself."

She shrugged.

Kelly draped an arm across her shoulders. "Come on, let's join the party. And try to cheer up, okay?"

The clock on the wall seemed to drag the time. Jackie did enjoy meeting the men that knew who her father was, who were in a war with him. The only problem was Brad. He never came.

*** ***

Jackie yawned widely as she checked the lock on the door.

A face staring back at her through the glass caused her to step back and stifle a scream.

"Can I come in, Jackie?" Brad jiggled the doorknob.

She opened the door, and he stepped swiftly inside, relocking the door behind him.

"Kelly said you were coming to the reunion," she said.

"I'm so sorry." He took her hands in his. "I hope you're not too mad at me. I have a brother that keeps me on my toes. It's always something with him." He steered her to the counter.

She climbed onto a stool while he went behind the counter, poured them both a soft drink and joined her. "If you're not too upset with me, would you want to go for a ride? I want to show you something, and if you think Kelly won't mind. . ."

She watched his eyes; emerald green flecked with brown.

They left the diner quietly after checking in on Kelly. He was fast asleep in his reclining chair, and Jackie made sure there were no lit cigars. She called his name, but he didn't stir, so she turned on the small lamp by his chair and scribbled a quick note.

*** ***

The wind whipped at her hair, and she turned to him. "I've never seen anything like it. Where are we exactly?"

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