a/n numero dos and possible new op fic

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Hi so I've been back home for a bit and I'm working on the next chapter, it's gonna great. It'll be a long one and I don't know when I'll get it out.

But I also had a great idea for another one piece fic. So hear me out. It might be a bit unoriginal.

What if Mihawk had a daughter but left her with her mom for her protection. (He comes and visits when he can. And gives no named baby mama money for the baby.)
Then the no named baby mama gets a boyfriend and has two other kids, and mama and boyfriend get married.
And little Mihawk feels out casted, especially when her father stops coming over as much. (He feels like he's intruding.)
And as she gets older she starts to look more like her dad.

And because I'm a great author I have to make things much much worse for her, for flavor.

She starts to get bullied in school for her antisocial behaviors. She feels like she doesn't fit in. This makes it worse when she gets this odd obsession with scissors.
So she learns blacksmithing, so she can make herself some fancy scissors.

More on this in the new fic.

The zoologist (one piece x male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon