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(Let me know if there's already an island with the same name)

You came from Animalia, an island vastly known throughout the grand line as a jungle kingdom. Although that's not exactly what what it was known for. It's a kingdom where the native islanders live in harmony with the flora and fauna of the island.

An ancient civilization with a long, rich culture with many traditions passed down through the centuries. The people of Animalia pride themselves on it, along with their bodies that have a extremely strong immune system, being able to fight of the deadliest of diseases.

The islanders do in fact have royalty. One of those people are you, the prince. And because you were the sole inheritor to the throne you were sent on diplomatic and other duties to further prepare yourself for the future role.

Animalia's citizens were know for their wide knowledge on animals, insects, and plants. As a prince you had to know all about the three, after all it was a huge part of your culture.

It was a beautiful kingdom with dense forests, beautiful waters, and lovely civilizations. But this would also be its downfall.

People went here on search for tourism. The people thought that going of a jungle tour with their friends and family was a nice vacation. After all they were told the wildlife was friendly and didn't hurt the locals. Key word locals.

Because of these people seeking a thrill their lives ended. Because the fauna may have been kind to the locals, it was not for tourists.

But it wasn't just tourist wrecking the jungle, it was also greedy corporations and the government.
Chopping the trees down, rooting up other plants, capturing some wild animals for pets, and also killing animals.

You couldn't just sit around and do nothing. You tried getting them to stop peacefully, you tried violence too, but all attempts to get them to stop were for not. The greedy companies and government officials wouldn't stop trying to turn a beautiful forest into a tourist attraction. A cruse 'through the jungles of Animalia.'

Destroying an ecosystem. That's all it was and you could do nothing. You couldn't do anything about the de foresting of your home. You felt helpless, hopeless. But still despite being a child protege, the smartest, the wisest; you had no clue what to do.

Could you just watch as your home got destroyed, no, no you couldn't. Then it grew. A devil fruit. Could it solve all your problems? Could it help give you the knowledge you needed to get the madness to stop? Only one way to find out I guess.

To put it simply, you got strong. Strong and cocky.

You killed them all but one, one got away. You had realized too late. But you went after him regardless, it couldn't get out. No they would obliterate your home, your people, your family. You couldn't let that happen.

But you were to late. He snitched. He told them of your actions. The government had decided that your people could be a threat. If the public found out of what they had done to your home they would revolt against them harder than before. They had to get rid of your home. So they destroyed Animalia.

You were so young only thirteen. Thirteen years old. Home destroyed. The clothes on your back, the royal jewelry, and a little bit of money; that was all you had.

You found out that the government call the people of Animalia savages, wild animals, and a threat to the public. It was excuse after excuse just to satisfy the public.

You may have eaten the demon demon fruit, but you were still human. You were still Y/N L/N, the prince of Animalia.

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