108. Absence and Opportunities

Start from the beginning

They could both imagine the voice of a teacher like that, determined to get the attention of all the students to make an example of someone. And Tess did her best to put the same timbre into her voice as she repeated:

"Miss Ciertowczki, I think you would be more likely to keep your footing if you paid more attention to the ground ahead of you and less to Mr Luger's behind."

"Are teachers allowed to say things like that?"

"Probably not, but everybody laughed. Mindy was red as a fire truck then. And I feel bad about that, because she wasn't staring. Or at least I don't think she was. But Spike's reaction, it's like he was beside himself, about to explode. Fireworks going off in his head, you know?"

"Is that the first time a teacher used his name correctly?" Ffrances wasn't sure, but it seemed the most likely guess after a few seconds thought.

"Kind of. He told all the ones who actually teach him, asked them politely to get it right. I went with him to ask a couple of them, after it went through on the school's computers. Found them and asked to speak briefly at break or something. But he asked the rest in class, and most of them remember. But this is the first time a teacher got it right without him having to ask."

"Another milestone. Triumph can be like that, you know? When there's something that's so important to you, every little first is a big deal."

Tess nodded. She had never really been in that situation, unless her fight to stay in the country counted. But she could see how much Spike was filled with joy, and there was nothing she cared about more than making him happy. And when she thought about that, she knew that there were still more things that she could do for him.

"So... uhh... Gabby..."

"She said don't wait up for her. Want me to make dinner, or you can give it a try?"

Tess nodded, and didn't push what she'd been trying to say. She wasn't sure she could have got the words out anyway. It was a big deal both to her and to Spike, and she couldn't bear to get it wrong. And perhaps more importantly, it seemed such a personal thing to say that she didn't want to admit it, even to Ffrances.

Still, she loved the thought of making her own dinner. She checked what was in the fridge, and what needed using, and quickly realised that she didn't know how to prepare sushi. But she was pretty good with a skillet, and she could improvise with the ingredients available to throw together a little pile of seafood quesadillas. She was proud of herself, and doing the chores that gave everyone else a chance to relax filled her with joy just like it always did. Taking charge, making a plan, and executing it; so that nobody else even needed to know how much work was involved. Ffrances helped a little, but she could see that Tess didn't need it. In fact, it looked like she would have been quite capable of putting the evening meal together even if she'd been hindered by toddler Ffrances running around and getting under her feet.

"Want to take a break after cooking?" Ffrances asked as Tess put the second quesadilla into the pan and started to cut the first into manageable pieces. "Little sister, play with your food, let big sis do the washing up?"

"No thanks. I'd rather do it properly. I made a mess because I was being careless with the cheese, so I should be the one tidying up."

"Okay. Just thought I'd offer, you might be tired after doing it all by yourself?"

"I don't get that. Like, ever. I feel like... enervated. Like any pressure turns into fun, and I love it. Let me do the work. But... while Gabby's not here, would you like..."

The question was open, but after five or six experiments with the hypnotic triggers, Tess really seemed to understand what Ffrances wanted. She was a good judge of character, and always knew the right thing to say, so there was no need to negotiate in full.

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