"he should've killed me" i said to myself in the mirror as i grabbed a toothbrush out the pack that was sitting on the counter.

"oh my gosh i'm sooo ugly" i said as tears fell and i started brushing my teeth.

"yeen ugly" tone said popping up behind me making my jump he had on some sweatpants he changed into and yeezy slides.

"you don't have to lie to me tone" i said while spitting the toothpaste out and washing off the toothbrush making eye contact with him thru the mirror.

"marquise and ian lyin but hey"he said shrugging it off.

"that's your real name" i asked turning around looking at him trying to ignore my rib cage hurting.

"Ye" he said then lifting me up bridal style taking me back to the bed.

"lift this up rite quick" he said tapping my hoodie and i looked at him like he had four heads.

"Ian on that im tryna see some shi" he laughed and i pulled my hoodie up seeing my stomach was blue and purple.

"it hurts" i said lowly to myself while pulling the hoodie back down.

"i got ah muthafucka comin fa tha-" he was saying until his phone dinged loudly,"ty here"
he said looking up from his phone at me.

I smiled big showing my purple braces hearing Ty names made me so happy. "I-" i was cut off by ty busting thru the door with stormi in her arms.

"BESTIEEE OH MY GOSH" she yelled as Marquise took storm out of her arms. I took a good look at her . Her hair was a mess her eyes were puffy and red. She ran over to me pulling me to a big hug.

"Brooo i love you so muchh im sorry deaja " her voice cracked as we rocked ride to side on the bed hugging.

"MOMMY MOMMY" Stormi yelled in her little squeaky voice.

Tone put her down and she ran over to the bed.

"Awww toot i missed you ohh my goshhh"i said hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"Mommy what wrong" storm asked as she touched my face.

"I fell at the store im ok now cause i'm a big girl" i said while playing with her bow while tone and ty made eye contact as i tickled stormi.

"I misted you mommy" storm said as she laid her head on my chest rubbing her finger on my arm.

My body was hurting so bad but i ignored it for stormi.

Maybe about 30 minutes went by Storm told me all the toys and things Tone got her while i was gone for the 4 days. As we were talking a girl with a bag over her shoulder walked in.

"Hey i'm brittny " she said smiling and walking over to me.

"Hey i'm Tee this is stormi and that's ty" i said pointing to them while ty mugged her and storm climbed into Ty's lap.

"Hey pretty girl" she waved at storm but she just burried her face in Ty's chest.

"Ok they told me what happened but i need to know what's going on with you" she started and ty got up with storm in her lap walking out.

"Thank you i mouthed to her before she closed the door and she nodded.

"Ok your rib cage is definitely injured and i'll say you have a major concussion so limit down on movement and bed rest for about a week" she said while handing me some pill bottles.

"Your eye should go down soon so that's nothing to worry about to much" she smiled as she packed her things back up.

"Ok thank you so much" i smiled back at her as i put the hoodie back on.

"no problem pretty girl" she said as she dusted herself off and left out the room.

"you wanna go home" Marquise asked as he stood off the bean bag chair.

"Yes please" i said in a yawn.

"Ight come on" he patted his pockets putting his phone in one and walking over to me handing me some of his sweats.I put them over the boxers ray gave me and hopped on his back.

"damn jo you chocking tf out me " he said while carefully walking down the stairs.

I laughed "sorry i'm scared your gonna drop me"i said.

"nah" he said as he walked to his car i saw ty storm heem ray lyndeja and pooter standing outside by his car.

"Hiii guys" i said while he sat me on the hood of his dodge charger this man had so many cars.

"You straight" heem said as he walked to me and hugged me.

"yes " i said letting him go.

"aight man take her home we got shit to handle" heem said and got into his car.

We got into his car and started making our way to my house. Storm was with ty riding with heem..

"You hungry"he asked and i shook my head no.

"aight don't call me later saying you hungry" he said and turned his music back up and turned into my parking garage. I seen my car in my parking spot.

"how that get here" he shrugged and waved me off while parking.

"You can walk or want me carry you" he said while turning the car off.

"Carry me please" i smiled and he shook his head laughing making his was on my side of the car.

I held my arms out he picked me up i wrapped my legs around his torso with my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arm around my waist and started carrying me up the stairs he a strong soul cause i lived on 5th floor. He always said he didn't trust elavators or some shit.

"Thanks" i said hopping down and waiting for him to unlock my door.

"aight im gone i'll come by in the morning " he said giving me a hug.

"ok see ya" i said pulling back and locking the door after he walked out.

I went into my room seeing it was exactly how it was before i left. I seen ty and storm balled up in my bed showing me they got here before me.

I took off the hoodie i was in and tones sweats climbing into bed letting sleep take over.



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