Tmnt 2018

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Name: Yang Connor

Age: 15 (18 if need be)

Lover: Donatello Hamato

Likes: mysteries, training (she likes feeling stronger), making friends (she's both an extrovert and an introvert.), reading (she likes reading and coming to Donnie about it, she feels like he understands more than the brothers), hanging out with Mikey and Leo (they just blend well. Yang would totally be the one would would watch scary things with Mikey while Don's busy in the lab), inventions (she would help Don every once in a while), physical affection (this is why she's best friends with Leo, he hugs her every chance he gets, he LOVES giving out affection and Yang LOVES all the affection she can get.), Peeps (those marshmallow Easter snacks, she loves them.)

Dislikes: Water (she worries Don to no end with this one. It has a weird taste to her.), one-liners (I feel like nobody likes them except for Leo.), certain types of shoes (they give her blisters and they hurt. So no-no for her.), being asked to do something in the pressure of others (Okay, so like being asked to solve a problem in class, in front of other kids? Nope, she'd rather not, but will do it if she has too.)

Absolutely HATES: Eggs (it's a texture and a taste thing for her, but will eat them if it has TONS of ketchup on it.), seeing any one of the brothers getting hurt, bullies (people who pick on her or April.), being helpless in any situation

VA likeness: Daisy Bell by Unagi (See

(Okay, so I have four kinds of her, 2003, 2012, 2014 [bayverse], and this one. This one is the smallest and youngest out of all of them.)

My OC'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora