Wasn't he worried about failing his classes? I couldn't imagine being miserable and unproductive over a person, a woman for that matter. I knew he cared about her. They made long late night calls and hung out a lot. He needed to understand that people could fuck up and simply leave, and love wasn't a real thing either.

I glanced at the bag of takeout I had gotten on my way back. Elliot was still quiet. I never saw him eat anything. Who knew what I might walk in to one of these days?

He awoke when I dropped the bag by his side. "Eat that. Then you have to get up and go take a fucking shower for at least an hour. After, revise your notes because you're going to class in the morning." My voice was surprising even to myself. Why was I doing this? I should just ignore him. That always worked.

"No," he began in a slur.

"What if you fail? Yes, she's gone. Why do you want to fuck up your education because of what she did? Ask yourself this: is she currently in a rut in her dorm right now? I bet not. But she's the one who deserves this, not you. Now stop with the self sabotage or I'm calling your parents." Using, my foot, I nudged the bag closer. "Eat."

I left the room for the showers and spent twice the time I usually did washing up. I couldn't believe I let myself interfere. He wasn't even going to listen to me, and now I was going to go to bed starving. When I got back, he walked past me out the door, a towel around his waist and the empty takeout in the trash.

"You can be angry and filled with pain sometimes, Finn. I've known you for twelve years now. And I know you can be kind. Very kind. You're like I was then, stuck in a loop of so many negative emotions, but I just want to remind you to be kind to yourself. And be kind to Amanda, too. Please."

He let go and I watched him walk away. I wanted to go after him, but what would I say? I looked at the piece of paper with an address scribbled on it and slipped it into my pocket. I started my walk to Amanda. She was handing her phone to Dominic, and by the time I got to her, she had gotten it back. I fought to keep my face blank. I had already displayed too many emotions tonight. I needed to get a grip.

"Let's go, I'm taking you home."

She stared wide eyed at me, which made her look younger and more vulnerable than she actually was. "What? You're taking me home?"

Dominic looked displeased. I grinned at him. "Yes. Elliot asked me to," I said pointedly at him.

"But the party isn't over," she sulked.

"For you it is."

"But I can go home myself."

"Did you drive here?"

"Y-yes," she hung her head, realization dawning on her.

"And you think you can drive in this state?" I cocked an eyebrow at her. She averted her gaze with a scowl. The only effect it had was make her prettier than she already was. God, I hated to admit it.

"You don't have to go with him if you don't want to." Dominic gently held on to her shoulder. She looked up at him and shook her head.

"No, it's fine. I'll go with him." She moved closer to me and I felt a little triumphant in the moment.

"Well, call me if you need any assistance," Dominic mumbled sourly. Was it his number he took her phone for?

"Thank you for keeping me company today," she beamed at him and he returned the gesture with a smile of his own. I felt a rush of annoyance numb my senses and began to walk away. "Hey!" She called after me, but I kept walking until a hand held on to me.

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