Small Body, Big Help

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Upon entering the room, was Y/n's grandmother in the bed cast on her arm, and an ankle split. Her cousin was sitting in the side chair texting with a small smirk on his face. He looked up from his phone to give Sero a grouchy face, then continued with what he was doing. The fluorescent lighting made everyone in the room look pale and sickly. Y/n sat in the chair next to her cousin, Sero stood right next to her.

"So, she came in with a broken wrist and sprained ankle. We gave you a cast for the wrists and split from an ankle." He handed Y/n's grandma a clipboard with multiple different prescriptions and discharge papers. "She'll have to take each of these pills for about 8 weeks for both injuries. Once you sign the papers, you're free to go." With that, the doctor left the room, leaving the family and Sero in the emergency room.

"What even happened?" Y/n asked in her drained voice.

Her grandma tried to sit up more and winced at the pressure she accidentally put on her wrist. Her sound made Y/n jump out of her seat towards her, "Calm down y/n, I was walking out of the bathroom and slipped that's all. Not a big deal."

"The lady on the phone said you were asking for me."

"Well is it a crime to want to see my only granddaughter? And her boyfriend." Her grandma turned to Sero and gave him a semi-warming closed-lip smile.

"Oh, this is Sero. And he's not my boyfriend." She said quickly. She had forgotten he was even in the room. Y/n's cousin let out a small 'hmm' after hearing Sero's name. "Do you want anything to eat? I can go to the cafeteria and get you something."

She sighed, "Not hungry, just thirsty. Can you just get me a water bottle or something from the vending machine?"

"When was the last time you've eaten?"

"About twenty minutes before you got here. Can you please get the water?"

Sero finally spoke, "I can get it. You look like you need rest anyway."

"Yeah, we'll get it," Y/n's cousin followed Sero out of the door. "You two catch up."

The door shut on the girl and her grandmother and the room's atmosphere felt slightly lighter, "Where's Masaru?" Y/n asked knowing what the answer would be.

"It's anybody's guess," Suko let out a half-hearted chuckle. "The last time I saw him was over a week ago."

The girl's heart sank. She crossed her arms and let her body droop back into the chair, "Grandma, I'm sorry."

Her grandma took the hand closest to the bed and unwrapped her granddaughter's arms. "For what? Following your dreams?"

Even though she was faced towards her grandmother, her eyes were still glued to the floor. "If I would've stayed at Shiketsu this never would've happened. I was being selfish."

"Y/n, not of this was your fault. You're just a kid. I'm not your responsibility."

Y/n nodded and lifted her head, but she still felt awful.

Like no matter what she did, it would always end badly for somebody.


Sero and y/n's cousin shut the door and walked silently to the vending machines. Sero twiddled his thumbs, trying to find something to say. something that would take the awkwardness out of the conversation. "So, what's your name?"

"Saburo." He put his phone in his pocket. "What do you want with my cousin?"

The older boy almost let out a chuckle, "What?"

"You heard me, Sero." He sneered.

"I don't want anything, we're just close." Sero paused before saying the last word.

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