Part 11: memories

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  You are hearing familiar voices "shit! shit! shit!" "Eddie calm down the ambulance will be here any minute." I'm guessing that was Nancy. "Nancy keep putting pressure on the wound!" That was definitely robin or max "Y/n do you hear me? it's Eddie you are going to be alright!" My memories are leaving You don't know what I did today or yesterday or since You got to Hawkins You can barely remember people that's the last of your Hawkins memories. People.

"Eddie the ambulance is here! Can u carry her out!" That was robin. "Yea! I got it but Nancy has to keep holding the towel." You feel as though you were lifted of the ground and put into a comfier place like a bed. I hear an unfamiliar voice "you guys can be in the back with her if that's alright." That sounded like a older man "Of course." I think that was Eddie.

"Do you think they will be alright?" "Of course! It's going to be alright Eddie." That was Nancy them I heard movement I think and maybe crying both of them.

Eddie's pov:
I just found y/n and Steve behind a plant. Now to find the rest after them I found Erica in the closet me and y/n hid in. Then I heard a loud bang like something falling so I was guessing someone had
Dropped something so maybe I had an advantage to find them so I went over to the stairs and saw something I had never even imagined seeing.

Y/n had fallen and hit there head and looked as though there head was bleeding. I immediately yelled out "GUYS COME OUT TO THE STAIRS NOW Y/N HURT!!!!!!! HELP!!!" First Steve came out I was feeling tears come down my face and Nancy came soon after and robin and all the others Dustin's aunt wasn't home so Dustin went to try and call her. But robin called the hospital and they told her to put pressure on the wound Nancy grabbed a towel from the kitchen and put cold water on it then put it onto the back of there head. Soon the ambulance came and I carried them out and Nancy came too.

The ambulance driver asked if we could go into the back of the ambulance with them. I was so scared they weren't going to live or that they won't make it. I love them and can't imagine not being with them.
We got to the hospital and when we got there she had lost so much blood that they stopped breathing for more than one minute which REALLY scared me.
But the doctors helped and put her up to oxygen. 

Dustin, Steve and robin got to the hospital and helped me and Nancy. Me and Dustin stayed over night and Nancy stayed most of the night but Steve and robin left at around 12:00am. And Nancy left at around 3:30am. Dustin's mom eventually got there too but the traffic was horrible in the city after the storm. At around 6:00am we started seeing progress. They could move there hands a little and breath on there own.  At around 8:00 they woke up.

The freak that loves you  (y/n + Eddie Munson) female Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora