Part 10: makeshift hellfire

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You and Eddie were driving to Dustin's and talking. "It's so cold in here." You say shivering. "Oh your lips are purple! There's a sweatshirt in the back seat. You turn and see in you reach you grab it and put it on. "Sorry if it's dirty it's from last week." Eddie said. "It's ok."

It was still pouring out but the lightning isn't as bad anymore. Once you got to Dustin's house Eddie opened the door for you and you jumped out of the van. Eddie grabbed your hand and you rang the doorbell since you don't have a key to the house. Dustin opened the door and hugged you.

"Are you guys ok? You weren't answering the phone and you weren't at school after lunch. We almost went to look for you." Dustin said. "Oh and we canceled hellfire most of the guys weren't able to make it because of the storm." "What do you mean canceled we never cancel the hellfire club!!" Eddie yelled. "Well only mike and Lucas showed up so we just invited max, Erica, Steve, robin and Nancy over." Dustin said leading you to the basement.

"It's ok Eddie, Dustin can invite hellfire tomorrow instead at least we can hang out with more people now." You said. "Fine I guess at least I still have you and Dustin." He kissed you on the forehead and left to go hang out with Dustin. You walked over to Erica "hi!" "Hello?" "Oh I'm y/n I'm new." You said to Erica "oh hi I'm Erica Sinclair Lucas's sister."

You hung out with Erica then max and robin and met Nancy who is really nice and she works for the school newspaper I think. And Erica's nice too. You hung out with Eddie too. And dusty of course. Max suggested that we play hide and seek and everyone thought that was a great idea since this house is full of good hiding places. Dustin was counting since it's his house and he lost Rock Paper Scissors against Erica.

You hid in a closet. You were sitting there and then someone opened the door you thought it was Dustin and that you had lost but it was Eddie "oh I thought nobody was in here I can leave." "No it's ok" you said and he sat down next to you. You put your head on his shoulder and almost fell asleep. But you got startled by someone opening the door.

"Finally! Found you guys! You guys won I found everyone else." Dustin said. You gave Eddie a high five. "Now one of you guys are going to count do rock paper scissors." Eddie lost so he's counting.

You ran and hid behind a giant plant. Steve was already behind it "can I join you?" You ask him. "Sure." He says. You didn't win this time but you didn't loose so it was fine. You went upstairs to get a drink of water. You went down stairs but fell and hit your head on the floor and you blacked out.

The freak that loves you  (y/n + Eddie Munson) female Where stories live. Discover now