That moment, Bucky returned from wherever he had gone, his standard pissed expression adorning his handsome features.

"Something's not right about Walker," he commented, taking off his jacket and displaying his fit abs and Vibranium arm.

Jesus, that man was the hottest thing Lorna'd ever seen.

"You don't say," Sam smiled amusedly.

"Well, I know a crazy one when I see one," he continued, opening the fridge to grab a drink. "Because I am crazy."

"Cannot argue with that."

"Shouldn't have given him the shield."

Lorna rolled her eyes. That argument was getting old too quickly.

"I didn't give him the shield," Sam rose from his seat to face Bucky.

"Well, Steve definitely didn't."

"You're awfully quiet, Ms. Maximoff," Zemo addressed the only female in the room. "I'm curious about what's going on in that gorgeous head of yours."

The former Winter Soldier squinted his eyes at the Baron's choice of words. Since when were the two Sokovians flirting with each other?

"I'm running a scenario in my head."

"About what?" The Falcon frowned.

"About Zemo not destroying all the serums."

That earned the undivided attention of the men.

"What do you mean?" Zemo lowered his voice to a grave tone.

"The serum only enhances the type of person you are. Steve was a one-in-a-million case because only one in a million people don't let themselves get greedy and arrogant with power," was Lorna's insight. "Super Soldiers aren't necessarily corrupt. They were already corrupt before turning into Super Soldiers. That's why Bucky had to get brainwashed to kill for HYDRA. Because he wouldn't choose that path willingly." She paused to take a breath before continuing. "I don't believe John Walker shares the same opinion as Sam about taking or not taking the serum. And I don't like the scenario in which Walker becomes a Super Soldier."

Sam contemplated her words in astonishment. It surprised him every time she voiced her beliefs like that. She looked so young that he had to remind himself she aged five years when he had turned into dust. He examined Bucky's reaction and got shocked to identify a glint in his blue eyes that he could only interpret as the man with a staring problem getting deeply moved by her speech.

"You put a lot of thought into it," Zemo observed, impressed. "But I'm sure I destroyed all of them," he confirmed.

"But are you sure you spotted all the vials before getting knocked out?"

Before he could reply, the entrance doors busted open, followed by an arrogant John Walked parading in that stupid uniform that definitely wasn't a Captain America uniform. Behind him was his ever-present partner, Battlestar.

"All right. That's it. Let's go. I'm now ordering you to turn him over." He demanded.

"Hey, slow your roll." Sam stopped the duo. "Let's be clear. Shield or no shield, the only thing you're running in here is your mouth. Now, I had Karli, and you overstepped. Zemo had actually proven himself useful today, and we're gonna need all hands on deck for whatever's coming next."

"I'd trust my life more in his hands than yours," Lorna stated from the couch, receiving a glare in return.

"Thank you," Zemo said appreciatively.

"How do you want the rest of this conversation to go?" John smirked once Sam kept quiet. "Should I put down the shield? Make it fair?"

Sam scoffed.

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