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"Well, I feel better," Sam said sarcastically

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"Well, I feel better," Sam said sarcastically. The sky had already darkened when they left.

"I feel awful," Bucky countered.

"I'm hungry," Lorna contemplated.

A siren grabbed their attention to one of the police cars parked at the entrance. John Walker smiled at them once the trio noticed his presence beside his friend.

"Gentlemen, lady!" He waved. "Good to see you again. I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'm John Walker," he offered a hand to Lorna after seizing her figure top to down.

"And I don't care," she ignored his greeting with a deadpan voice.

The man pursed his lips. Sam refrained from smirking while Bucky turned his face so the others couldn't see the amusing smile on his lips. Lorna reacted the exact way they secretly wanted to.

"Look, if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance, you guys know that," John Walker tried again.

"So what do you got?" Sam rolled his eyes, not believing he was actually asking that.

"Well, the leader's name's Karli Morgenthau. We've been targeting civilians who've been helping Karli move from place to place."

"They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal," John's friend added. "But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe."

"We think she's taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps."

"Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since The Blip. So I guess you'll have to look real hard," Bucky argued.

"Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?" John joked, but no one laughed.

"Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?"

"No, we don't know, Bucky," John replied, fed up with the attitude. "It's only a matter of time before we find out."

"Things are really intense for you, aren't they, Walker?"

"Take it easy," Sam tried to appease the former Sgt. "Look, Walker's right. It's imperative that we find them and stop them." He turned to John and his friend. "But you guys have rules of engagement and all kinds of authorizations you have to get. We're free agents. We're more flexible. So it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you."

"Ms. Maximoff still works for the government, though," the Ikea superhero countered. "She signed the Accords. Not a free agent."

Lorna scoffed. "Who do you think you are? The President?"

John took a step closer to her, but she held her ground, not getting intimidated by a man like him.

"You go with them, and you'll be arrested and detained without a trial. You'll be considered a threat to the people."

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