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Sam wasn't happy with Lorna's presence

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Sam wasn't happy with Lorna's presence.

He didn't know much about her. His limited knowledge came from when she beat his ass at the airport when he helped Steve and Bucky. Besides, she had fought against her own sister and let the government incarcerate her for acting against the Sokovia Accords. What kind of sister does that?

Sarah, however, expressed how much Lorna helped her when he turned into dust. She told him how the young woman cared for his nephews and helped around the dock in difficult times, how she told her about what happened that led to Sam's temporary demise. Lorna didn't have to do any of those, but she did nonetheless.

She's been there for his family when he wasn't. As much as he hated to admit it, he was grateful. That's why he didn't complain when she spent the night at Sarah's.

"What are you up to nowadays?" He tried to start a conversation.

"Trying to live a normal life but figuring out normal life is too boring for people like us," Lorna replied bluntly.

People like us.

She meant the Avengers.

Sam didn't know what to say for a few seconds, so he stared at her silently before shaking off his stupor.

"So what's your plan?"

"Don't have one," she admitted.

"Uh... Right. What about your sister? I heard about what happened."

Of course. Lorna should've expected that Sam had access to the reports of the events in Westview. She was a willing victim, but Wanda made sure to leave her older sister out of the gossip. The only people who knew about her involvement were Sarah and Pepper.

"As far as I know, she's okay. But I don't know where she is."

"I'm sorry," he patted her shoulder awkwardly before leaving her alone.

The fact she hadn't questioned him about giving up the shield earned her a few points.


Once morning arrived, Lorna was in the kitchen helping the family box all the food for their seafood business. It was foreignly domestic to her, who wasn't used to finding herself in a normal family situation.

"I know you're worried, all right?" Sam told his sister as the two were about to go to the bank and ask for a loan. "But I did the research. I ran the numbers."

"You think this is gonna work?"

"I know it will," he replied confidently. "And then we can renovate the kitchen. Now, you said you wanted to sell plates on the weekends, right? That's great. You can introduce some of Grandma's recipes and--" he checked his watch. "Shit. We gotta go."

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