Caleb: Excuse me, miss...(no response) ...Miss? (taps on her shoulder)

This makes her notice him and then take off the headphones, not pausing her music so that it's still playing a little.

?: Oh. Hello there. Sorry I was just kinda in the zone.
(She sounds like Sadie Miller from 'Steven Universe')

Caleb: I could tell. That music you're listening to must be pretty solid.

?: I mean, I think it is, but...

Caleb: Mind if I take a listen?

?: Uh...sure, I guess?

Caleb: Sweet! (grabs the headphones)

?: H-Hey, watch it!

He fits the headphones on around his hair and starts listening to a rock song similar to the song "We Own The Night" from 'Zombies 2'.

Caleb: (nodding his head to the beat) Ooh! Okay, okay, I like this!

He starts tapping his foot to the rhythm, then backs up as he starts dancing to the rocking melody. This leads to about ten seconds of Caleb dancing with a big smile on his face, even getting in a flip that times to the beat. This makes the red-haired girl chuckle a little with a bit of confusion and joy at his energy.

Caleb: (still dancing a little) Wow! I'm really digging this!

?: Thanks. I actually composed it.

Caleb: (stops and lifts the right muff) Did you say something?

?: I'm the one who composed that music.

Caleb: Really!?

???: Yeah.

Caleb: ...Awesome!!! You've got some real talent on you!

?: Uh, thanks! I've actually got an audition tonight, so hopefully, I can start making more music regularly.

Caleb: Well with a track this good, I bet you'll pass with pretty rocking colors!

?: Yeah. I sure hope so...I'm Frida by the way. Frida Quinn.

Caleb: The name's Caleb Lachlan. (offers a handshake)

Frida: (shakes his hand) So, you know MY schtick, but what do you do for a living?

Caleb: Right. I'm a lion trainer at the Washi Safari Zoo and Aquarium.

Frida: Woah, Woah, a LION tamer?

Caleb: Yeah, that's...what I just said. Did I say something else by accident?

Speaking of lions, before Frida can get out another sentence, Caleb's zord hops up from behind his back, onto his right shoulder, and roars at him.

Frida: Ah! W-What is that!?

Caleb: Oh great. Hold on just a sec, Frida. (his zord hops into his hand) What do we get lad? (the zord roars at him) Uh-huh. (it roars again) Yes, yes, go on (it roars at him one more time) Ah. Understood. (his zord hops back on his shoulder) Okay. I have no idea what he just said, but I'm going to assume there's a monster nearby.

Frida: I'm sorry, what's going on? A-And what is that?

Caleb: (turns back to her) Welp, duty calls. I wish you the best of luck on your audition, Frida. Now then. Point the way, my friend!

His zord roars toward his right, and Caleb takes off running.

Frida: ...Well that was weird.. (realizes something) H-Hey! Wait! You took my headphones! (starts chasing after him)

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Where stories live. Discover now