"Okay Mrs. Valentino, you're the boss." He says pulling me to his chest.

"Don't forget it, acey-poo," I say lifting myself onto my tippy toes and kissing his lips softly. He holds onto me tighter, and I peel his hands off of me before patting his shoulder, "Come on stinka"

I turn on my heels and make my way to the bathroom. He lifts me bridal style and locks the bathroom door. When we're done getting ready, I grab my electronics and shove them into my handbag. I go to the twins' rooms as Mariano and Grey bring our luggage down to the car.

"Good morning sunshine, we thought you were going to leave without saying bye," Zayn says closing his laptop and placing it on the nightstand.

"Shut up, you know I'd never do such a thing."

"Don't lie, you totally would," Kaia says emerging from the large fluffy blankets.

"I'm going to miss you guys," I say jumping on the bed between them.

"Not for long, Grey got us a flight for next week," Kaia says before wrapping her arms around me. Zayn joins in and we hug in silence until they push me off.

"Okay, okay, you have to get going now."

"Okay, but you're definitely telling me all about your new lovers," I say hopping off the bed. They follow me to the elevator doors where Grey is waiting for me.

"Ready?" he asks, and I nod before turning to the twins and hugging them again. "I love you guys; I'll keep you posted."

"We love you," they say before kissing me on the cheek, pushing me into the elevator, and waving as the doors close. Grey opens his arms and I wrap mine around him.

"I'm going to miss them so much. Thank you for arranging their flights." I say holding back tears. It was only a week, but my separation anxiety didn't care.

"No problem mama"

We join Mariano in the car and on our way to the airport we stop at Dairy Queen. We get onto the private jet where Xile and Emilio sit on one of the couches watching a movie.

The plane takes off and she fills me in on what a great time she had last night. She tells me the theme ended up being the Yule Ball from Harry Potter. Although, it wasn't one of their options everyone loved it. She starts yawning and I let her get her rest.

I enter the bathroom and as I'm about to close the door Ace's hand stops me. He enters and suddenly this bathroom feels as small as one in a regular plane. This one not only has a shower but a bathtub as well.

I step back as I look into his eyes. His intimidating frame towering over my smaller one. "Missed me?"

"Grey, I was sitting 5 feet away from you."

"And? I missed you baby." He says as he takes one step towards me and pulls me to him by my hips. "You didn't miss me, baby?" he whispers in my ear before kissing my sweet spot.

I take a deep breath in when he puts his hand in my pants and grabs my ass. "Grey," his fingers brush against my pussy "W-what are you doing?"

"Relax angel," he says circling my clit with his index and middle finger. He nips my bottom lip before tangling our tongues together. The kiss is rough, and my breathing picks up as I open my legs more giving him more access.

He pushes my panties to the side and dips his fingers inside. He twists them in and out as my juices drain down. He pulls them out as he pulls away from me and shoves them into his mouth. He sucks my juices off as he looks into my eyes. "I just wanted a little taste mama." He says before kissing me and exiting the bathroom.

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