Even in broad daylight, Aine's father had already begun preparing all of the scrumptious food he was going to make for dinner. The chimley puffed out little white clouds as he made the beef stew, the smell of food was enough to make both Aion and Aine drool in their sleep if not their father waking them up to tidy the house up for their special guest.

Aion had taken the liberty of gathering several of the blooming poinsettia and other flowers in their garden to spice up their home, at the same time, he was able to evade cleaning and dusting the living space which was left to Aine to do. However, Aine didn't mind it at all! In fact, she had loved cleaning so much that she was delighted to be tasked with it. 

With the crackling firewood in the background and the sweet aroma in the air, together with the bright blooming reds and woody tones around the house. The Christmas spirit was definitely present without a doubt. All three of the Estoileons were even humming along to a carol, each taking a small portion of the song as they sang around the house.

Bustling around cooking, cleaning and decorating, time flew quicker than expected and the skies were dimmed by the time they were all done. Aine quickly got ready in her festive outfit— a simple knitted dress with some fluffy thick socks. She clasped on her charm bracelet along with the tear-drop pendant that belonged to her mother over her neck. Once she was done dolling herself up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her lips curl upwards before she skips out of her room and down the stairs to wait for Draco to arrive. It was about time the boy would arrive after all.

When the clock had struck six o'clock, the fireplace hissed and sparks were being spat out. Then, the flames turned from orange to bright green as a familiar young man emerged from the fireplace. Aine's widened pupils curled into crescents at the sight of Draco who looks around nervously. His pupils darting about aimlessly in the living room, it wasn't the first time he was in Aine's home but it always felt so new. Especially more so now that he was here to meet her family. His gaping mouth closed into a smile when his eyes landed on Aine who was waving at him, welcoming him into her humble abode.

"You're here!" she beams, running over to him. She could see the tenseness from his face, his features stiffening up awkwardly.

Draco stretches his arms to the side, presenting himself, "Here I am!" he chuckles back, trying his very best to act normal even though his heart was booming in his ears. He had worn a dark green turtleneck with a black vest and slacks adorned with a belt. He mentally cursed at himself, wondering if he had worn too formal. He was feeling very out of place with the choice of clothing he had put together, he could feel his neck heating up and when he saw his love, the heat rushed to his face.

Aine giggles at him, it was a strange sight seeing the one and only Draco Malfoy being bashful and awkward. Who would have thought she'll live to see the day that he was unlike what he usually was in school? She walks towards him with light steps, unable to contain her excitement now that he was here. "Easy there, love. Dad and Aion couldn't wait to see you!" she reassures him, tapping on his shoulders. He managed to relax slightly, mustering a small grin at her. 

He couldn't help but feel grateful but also, he wondered, was this what Aine was feeling when he came over to his home the last time during the holidays? Probably so.

"Thank you, love," Draco mutters back, squeezing her hands. He tilts his head, realizing how different Aine was looking compared to the usual. His silver eyes trailed over her face as he admires her new look. She had her hair straightened out with the ends curling into the shape of J's and her fringe framing her face with a velvet headband. It was definitely a new look to her since Draco had always seen Aine with her hair up in a bun or braided down, and her hair was always curling beautifully.

UNKNOWN | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 4)Where stories live. Discover now