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"I promise...No matter what...I'm always going to be here with you, Draco." Harry said softly. "I...know you think that...But." Draco mumbled. "There isn't any buts, Draco. You mean everything to me. I won't lose you. We have time to talk about it. Time to decide what is going to be best overall." Harry said, before giving Draco a light kiss on the head. "I...just don't...know what to do." He cried. "We will talk about it, I promise. Just...rest, for now."

Two weeks later, On February 4th, Narcissa woke up early. It was already three in the morning when she shook her partner, Henry, awake. He yawned, but woke up looking at his girlfriend. A woman he had a hard time understanding, but did the best he could. She was also 40 weeks pregnant, expect to go into labor any day now. Expected actually two weeks ago. "What's wrong?" Henry asked. "I think we...should get the baby bag. This cramping is a lot different then the others." Narcissa said softly. "Alright. Do you want me to wake the others, or wait until we get there?" Henry asked. "Let's wait, be sure it's actually happening." Narcissa said.

Harry, Draco and Phoenix were at the chemotherapy center, Harry getting another treatment, but Harry's oncologist was there wanting to talk to Harry. "Harry, I'm sure you know what I want to talk about this time, again." She said. "I don't want a feeding tube, no." Harry said. "Harry, yours 47.6 kilogram, you are very underweight and unable to eat much at all. You know I have contact with a lot of your family." She said. "I'm aware they tell you when I haven't ate, but I still have a job and shit I have to do. I can't deal with that's stupid thing in my stomach all the time." Harry said. "Harry, I know it's frustrating, but you have to keep healthy. We have talked about this. You have people who can and will support you until you can get back on your feet, but your health is what matters." She said and after a huff. "How...long would I be stuck at the hospital?" He asked. "Most likely just overnight. The morning when you leave will teach you and others how to use it, so you can get supplements and nutrition. You'll feel a bit better, even if you think it doesn't matter. It does. Your body needs in." She said. "Can it wait?" Draco asked. "I rather not, but I'm assuming you have a reason for that." She said. "My mama is on the labor and delivery floor." Draco said and she smiled. "I'm glad. I suppose a day or two won't hurt, but call me by your next treatment. I'm not going to be pleased if you don't, Harry." She said. "Fine, fine." Harry fussed.

"You...don't like the idea of that do you?" Draco asked, holding his now five month old close to his chest. "No, I don't. It's stupid and going to make it harder to work on the days I even feel like going. I'm already going on three times a week, do you know how inconvenient that's going to be?" Harry fussed. "Doesn't your boss know about your condition? I'm almost certain Ron, Hermione, mom and Henry have all spoken to your boss about your condition." Draco said. "That doesn't mean I have to like it, Draco. Just like how I can't understand what's going on in your head, no matter how hard I try, you can't understand my thought on this. It makes me feel inadequate! I have to rely on others to take care of my son and you, that's my job!" Harry huffed. "It doesn't mean you can't do your job, Harry. You work when you can, and you are there for me and the baby. That is what matters Harry. I don't...want anything to happened to you. I don't know what I would do." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "Very...well. let's go see how your mama is doing." Harry said.

"I'm sorry, but you two are just going to have to wait. Your father is already with her, and I can't let you in the operating room." Said the nurse. "Why the hell is my mama in an operation room?" Draco frown, before Harry put a hand on his shoulder. "Was something going wrong with her having a natural birth?" Harry asked. "My understanding is, with her being an older woman, with some scaring, the doctors felt safer if she had a cesarean. Somebody will let you know once your mother is in recovery with the baby." She said and Harry nodded, pulling Draco to the waiting room. "It's the same thing you had, Draco." Harry said. "I know, but I also know she wasn't wanting one, because Bellatrix swears by home birthing, she is refusing to go to a hospital. She has something cold a mid wife and Hank seems to know what to do." Draco said. "I'm certain your mom will be okay, and your aunt." Harry said, but Harry ended up laying on the cool floor, and falling asleep. Hugo sat on Draco's lap, sucking on his fingers. Draco or the baby wasn't alone to long, because Hermione and Ron shown up after talking to their bosses and getting off work. "Dose he?" Hermione said. "No, he just needs to rest." Draco said, before Phoenix giggled at her. "Hi, buddy!" She said and ruffled his hair. "Have they told you anything?" Hermione asked. "No yet...they don't seemed worried. She said it was what was safer, but that doesn't make since when bell had all her babies at home and plans to." Draco said. "Everybody is different, Draco. Your mama isn't the most physically healthy person, I'm sure you know why." Hermione said and Draco let out a sigh. "I do know, but I don't know it all." Draco admitted.

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