Chapter Ten

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Bellatrix looked at Henry, before back at her sister. "Try it, first. If he can't...then yes, you can. However...he might slap you, and it isn't quiet that weak slap he used to be able to do." Henry nodded. "I'll take my chances. I won't let them fuck him up, he's well. I'm sorry it took so long to realize that." She shook her head, giving him a light smile. "I'm starting to understand the difficulties, but he should really hear that form you." Henry nodded.

"No, I don't want him to know..." Hank pulled on his ear and wouldn't meet his sister-in-laws eyes. "He already know it was either your mom, or your sister. Your sister already droped her children off on you, so I think it was her. He seems to think it was your mother. Belly need to know to." He let out an uncomfortable noise. "Why...? I...don't want him to go..." Narcissa slowly pulled his chin up, he pushed her hand away, but kept looking at her. "We aren't going to move out. I missed my sister, very much. I am going to love learning about you and your girls, and your new boy. However, they can't hurt you. They can't." He frowned before a moment, but walked over to the computer.
She wanted to say something, but he pulled off a locket. One that held a picture of his wife and kids, before he turned to Narcissa. ""

The locket, held a camera. No sound. In black and white, but it was enough. Enough to show Henry who his attacker was. Their mother. Henry looked at Hank, confused on how the locket came to be. "The locket." Hank was still pulling on his ear, the ear piece of the one hearing aid had already fallen to the floor. Narcissa now held it. "My boss...belly said she was worried...she didn't really understand...but he got it for me. People...the new ones...can get kind of mean at work, so...he uses it sometimes for the fire them and such." Henry nodded, and grabbed the locket. He slowly put it back on his brother. "Go lay down, brother. Your too worked up." He just shook his head. "He's worried we'll leave." Narcissa said, handing Henry the hearing aid piece. Hank just grabbed it from Henry and took off.

Draco was standing at the open window, holding their newborn boy close. He felt the kiss on his cheek and turned to smile at Harry. "Are you sure you don't mind staying here?" Harry nodded. "I'm sure. How is our little man?" Draco smiled. "Very well. He is very happy but still very warm. He likes his clothes though. He get real fussy if he isn't in them." Harry chuckled. "I've nodded, but um. The doctor call. We need to name him." Draco nodded.
Draco laid the baby down on the old play mat of Bellatrix twins girl. He got all wide eyed, but Draco just smiled. "You be a good boy." Was all he said, before easing to his feet and dropping on the couch. The baby sounds brought Faith into the living room. She was still dressed in her jammies, she didn't want to change and neither one of her parents wanted to fight with her this morning. Draco watched her, kind of closely, as she slowly eased down to her knees beside the baby boy. The baby got happier. Somebody was paying attention to him. She cocked her head. She didn't know what to really think about the baby. He didn't say anything, or move or play. What was she suppose to do? She copied him and laid on her back beside him. The baby let out a happy noise and Faith yawned out, she was sleepy and so was the baby. She ended up rolling on her side, to face him and slowly putting her hand on his stomach. He locked a strong hand around her finger. She let out an uncomfortable noise, but he was just tiny. He couldn't hurt her. So. She relaxed, and feel asleep.

Draco was joined on the couch, by his aunt. "You could have called me, I could have moved her." Draco just shook his head. "No point. They both are napping very peaceful. No point in upsetting her." She let out a sigh. "Your mother, won't let me in her head." Draco marked his place in the book he'd been reading, before he turned to face his aunt. "And she isn't going to. Why must you know what happened? What good is really going to do? How long has it really been since you used magic? You haven't the power To go up against my father. You will loose." Bellatrix knew all that to be true, but Narcissa was her sister. She was hurt, and was so scared to even acknowledge her own pregnancy because of the fears Lucius put in her head. "She shouldn't live in fear, Little Draco. That isn't right." Draco let out a huff, he HATED that nickname, but frowned. "Yes, I am aware. You won't change that though, not without getting killed. You can't put yourself in that position. You have five of your own children, and two children going to be adopted, soon, and a husband who would freak the duck out if something happened to you. Just...find another way to help her." Bellatrix let out a sigh, before learning back into the couch. "Have you finished that potion?" Draco shook his head. "Couple more days. Hermione is suppose to come by and see the baby, and dropping off the last ingredients I need." She raised an eyebrow. "Is that wise?" Draco nodded. "She is full aware of what she's walking into. She wants to meet the kids. She's very excited, and the godmother, so... Yeah." She nodded, and looked back over at her sleeping daughter on the floor, nuzzled to the baby. She smiled lightly.

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