Chapter Nine

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Bell came down the stairs after Faith finally laid down for a much needed nap. She felt a bit exhausted, her head was killing her. All the voices were jumping in and out her head, it was killer after years of mostly quiet in her head. Henry sat on the couch with her boys, watching that old show. She smiled. They DID like it. She give their heads a kiss as she dropped on the other side of the two boys. "You look...almost in pain." Henry kind of whispered, the two boys lost in the brand new show (for them) to hear. "The voices are deafening is all. It's been quiet for so long...I guess having all the added magic around is making my own work a bit more then I want it too." She lend back resting her head on the back of the couch. "Are you unable to make something to help?" She nodded. "However, Little Draco is making something else and I rather limit my magic. I don't want two different potions in me. I'll get used to it." Henry paused, but nodded. "Go lay down. I can watch the kids for a couple hours. Harry and Hank should be home shortly." Bell eased up to sit again. "If I lay down, I won't sleep tonight. Hank will worry, and he doesn't quite understand everything magical. then again, I still can hardly work after the shit here." Henry chuckled. "Narcissa and Draco are much the same. It's easier if Harry and I do it." She then looked over at Henry. "When exactly does she plan on telling them? When she pops out a baby?" Henry raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware she told you." Bellatrix shook her head. "She didn't. Her thoughts are blocked, but she's craving the same thing she did when she was pregnant with little Draco. I'm glad. She needs a better life then what she had." Henry frowned. "Just what the fuck did that husband all do to her?" Bellatrix shook her shoulders. "I got aware...before I knew really. Once I left...there wasn't any going back. I still can't..."

"Uncle!" Jayden half whispered but half whined when Bellatrix head landed on his side. "Your mama needs her rest." He kind of chuckled but got to his feet. In one quick movement, he held her sleeping in his arms and carried her through the house. "She's not little like us. How can you pick her up that easily?" Jayden asked, following her. Henry smiled. "Your mama and your auntie are both still small woman. Go ahead of me and untuck the bed." Jayden ran ahead, like his uncle asked of him.

"Daddy!" Faith cried when Hank got out of the car. Henry took her outside, like Bellatrix had done the day before. He didn't want her woken up. She was still asleep, and it should stay that way. Hank had a deep cut on his forehead, by his eyebrow. "Hank. Your head." Hank picked up Faith, who nuzzled to his chest. "Didn't do it." Henry frown, but pulled his twin brother into the house. "Narcissa." Henry called for easing Hank to sit on the couch and little Faith balled up on his lap. Narcissa yawned as she came down the stairs, zipping up Henry's oversized jacket, for her, up and walked over. She frowned, but looked at Henry. "Can you fix it?" Narcissa nodded and went to find her wand. "Tell me." Hank just shook his head and kicked off his very uncomfortable shoes. Henry knew his brother, and lend down, pulling off his socks to.
Hank didn't at all like the glowing wand in his face, but the headache was gone. The bad cut on his eyebrows was gone. He didn't really feel any better, Henry knew this. "Take Faith and go lay down...belly is still napping too." Hank wasn't sure if he wanted to nap, but he didn't want to be around them anymore. He didn't want the questions. He wanted Bellatrix. He hurried out the room with Faith.

Narcissa tucked her wand into the pocket of that jacket. "Somebody hit him." Henry frowned. "I suppose you can't tell me who, can you?" Narcissa nodded, but looked concerned. "I could...but I don't think he'll like the feeling of me pulling the memory away. He might not sit still long enough for the spell to be completed." Henry frowned for a moment, but crossed his arms. "Have Bellatrix give the permission. I can hold him still." Narcissa frown. "I'm not sure she'd agree..." Henry shook his head. "She is sure it was either my mother or my sister that found him at work once. He won't fight back against woman, if even they hurt him...I guess that part took a little to well. He doesn't seem to understand he has the right to defend himself if they hurt him." She nodded in understanding. "Let them rest. I'll get the permission."

"I rather you not have to hold him." Bellatrix yawned, but held Serenity on her hip. The four year old girl, for the first time in over a year, was having a really bad day. She wiggled into her parents bed, upset and very moody. Henry just lend his head slightly, meeting the little girl's upset gaze. She whined, and buried her head into Bellatrix neck. "Mommy's got her hands full today." Bellatrix nodded. "It's been 13 months, but she's having a bad day. I think a nightmare." Henry thought for a moment. "Yes. I don't think they always understand what a bad dream is. Hank learned, took him a while though." Bellatrix just nodded, but looked at her sister. "Do you think he would really sit still? You know the feeling." Bellatrix shook her head. "I'm not sure..." Henry gave the little girl a small pat, who whined, but relaxed before he stood up fully. "I have to know. I spent years keeping them away, and I'll be damned if they take away his peace of mind."

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