“Really? The beads of sweat on your forehead is implying otherwise.” She chuckled, rubbing her nape. “I knew should’ve just picked you up.”

               Yesterday, I told Ryujin that she doesn’t need e to drive me to and from school anymore. Aside from it being inconvenient for her because the location of our house was out of the way, I don’t Winter to think that there was something going on between us.

               I mean, sure we could still be easily mistaken as a couple the more we spend time together, but if the scenario of me getting off her car every start and end of the class continues, that was just basically confirming it.

               “It’s fine, Ryujin,” I said softly. “It’s not something you should be worrying yourself about.”

               She smiled coyly. “If you say so.”

               “So...” I looked around, grimacing at the large throng of people talking loudly not far away from where we were standing. “Should we eat first?”

               “Sure. I know a good place,” she said. “It’s within walking distance from here.”

               We made our way outside the campus talking about every subject under the sun. I do not feel any awkwardness around her anymore unlike before. It now felt as if I was spending time with a long-time friend.

               A good sign, I suppose.

               Surprisingly, the dance club to which she belonged wouldn’t be performing at the festival tomorrow because apparently, they wanted to focus more on the dance competition that would be held two days after.

               It makes sense since that was far more important than anything else.

               Five minutes later, Ryujin stopped in front of a very familiar restaurant, looking all enthusiastic for some reason.

               What an odd coincidence.

               “I’m sure you guys will nail it.”

               Ryujin held the door open for me. “I really hope so. It is a huge opportunity for us since some big names in the industry will be watching.”

               “Oh?” I blurted. “The pressure must be insane then.”

               “That’s an understatement.”

               The staff led us to a corner table for two; then Ryujin pulled the chair for me. “You will do well just like how you always do.”

               Ryujin threw me a grateful smile before turning away to face the waiter who was taking our orders.

               Much like the last time I dined here with them, the majority of the customers were working adults; there were barely any students from our school.

               It was probably because the price of the food here wasn’t something a highschool student could normally afford. If it wasn’t for Ryujin insisting to pay for both of us, I wouldn’t set a foot in here again.

               “How about you?” she said, earning my attention. “Excited for your performance tomorrow?”

               “Very.” I grinned sheepishly. “It will be the most memorable performance for us in the music club.”

Yooji: Love is War [Winrina]Where stories live. Discover now