08: Music

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          I was currently inside the library together with the members of my group for the upcoming research in one of our major subjects which were due a month from now and all of us had decided that before anything else, brainstorming must be conducted first and foremost to determine who was going to be in charge of what.

          Now, this was something I always looked forward to every school year because of one reason:

          I found arguing against the terror panels extremely elating. Seeing them seethe in anger as I smugly deflect every question they throw with accurate answers was just so satisfying it became the highlight of my student life.

          Don’t get me wrong.

          I wasn’t that kind of student.

          It’s just that some profs need some serious reality check and I happened to be kind enough to give it to them through a battle of cleverness.

          “I think research about religion would be really nice.”

          “How does research about technology sound? If technology truly causes a gap between generations to be specific?”

          “We should go for a topic about social media since it is relevant nowadays.”

          “How about a topic regarding if self-image and stress are predictors for eating disorder?”

          I opted to observe them toss ideas around with occasional debate here and there as to why this certain idea must be picked for a while.

          All of the mentioned topics were sensible enough to invest my time in, but of course, only one must prevail and I already had something in mind that would get all of my members’ agreement.

          “How about music?” I said, causing their attention to focus on me. “Majority of us here chose to enroll in Seoul High which is home to several successful musical artists because we want a career in the field of music, am I right? Shall we choose this topic, then carrying out a research about it would be like a walk in the park because it is something we all have a genuine interest in.”

          I unconsciously gulped as I await their reactions. As confident as I might have come off, I was actually nervous they might reject my proposal.

          “Hey, that’s actually the perfect topic for us.”

          “I agree.”

          “Music it is.”

          “As expected of Jimin Yoo!”


          A small smile worked its way on my lips.

          “Then, we should discuss the specifics of the topic next time. Is that alright?”

          When I heard their collective affirmative responses, I finally called it a day and began to walk out of the library.

          It’s only the start of the week, but our profs really thought it was a good idea to suddenly dump workloads on us at the same time without warning.





          And here I thought this month would be stress-free.


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