Chapter 8 -Blissful, Habits & Fear 🖤

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3rd Person (P.O.V)

For Wanda the past week with Vision back in her life was blissful. Every night she would fall sleep in his arms feeling loved and protected as he made it a habit to always have his hand on her baby bump.

Unfortunately she was worried about him. He's barely talked to his family since the argument with his sister Rosalie. Vision has assured her that at the end of the day she and the twins came first.

Honestly Wanda wanted to prevent him from cutting ties with his family. She would be visiting the Cullen home after school today hoping she would be able to resolve things and give them a hint of the power she possesses. She looked up as Vision slept she raised her hand towards his head where the mind stone used to reside and let her fingertips work it's magic.

No matter what universe it was a habit for her Scarlett energy to touch where the mind stone used to be. Wanda smiled as Vision twitch a bit but remained asleep. She slowly retracted her hand letting him enjoy his peace before she would have to wake him for school.

Wanda learn that vampires aren't able to sleep but with her magic it was possible. After everything had calm down the night of the incident she was getting ready for bed when she came across a book that she knew hadn't been there earlier in the day. Her conclusion was that the fate of chaos had sent it to her.

It helped her understand her abilities even more and showed her things she was capable of letting vampires sleep and dream. She could help them control their thirst, walking in the sun without sparkly and most importantly she hoped to give Vision's family this opportunity to have biological children especially Rosalie it would help keep the family together.

She understood Rosalie's perspective it had taken a while to get exactly what happened out of Vision but she also wanted to make it clear she wasn't going to be walked over nor has she ever cheated on her mate.

Besides the blissfulness it was also a bit stressful for Wanda interacting with her new family as she was getting a bit closer to Charlie. She unfortunately hasn't yet told him about her pregnancy or her relationship with Vision. She honestly has been putting it off but knew she would have to tell him soon as her baby bump was growing.

Wanda sighed looking at the time hating the idea of getting out of bed."Visz". Wanda whispered as she lightly shook him as her astro projection disappeared with the flick of her hand and the book gently landed in her closet shelf out of sight.

The night everything happened Vision had went hunting leaving Wanda asleep. She subconsciously created her Astro projection which took a bit to explain to him. Even though he couldn't go into shock he was surprised to see two Wanda's one wide-awake and the other asleep.

"Wanda". Vision's said his voice was a deeper.

"How did you sleep?". Wanda asked caressing his cheek.

"Even being able to sleep this past week it's still a new sensation but a peaceful one just being able to turn your mind off for a couple of hours". Vision said smiling as he caressed her cheek.

"That's good, I wonder if your family will have the same reaction as you". Wanda said which caused Vision to pull his hand away from her face.

"Wanda....". Vision tried tick-tock but Wanda shook her head as she got out of bed.

"Visz, we've talked about this I know you will always put me and the twins first. But this is your family too maybe not by blood which doesn't matter you have spend the past 50 years coexisting with each other. I know from the way you talk it would hurt Rosalie and Esme if you cut them out of your life". Wanda said staring at Vision who sighed running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Calm down darling the stress will not be good for the boys this morning". Vision said grabbing Wanda's hands as he towered over her. " I love my family but I love you more you are my mate and it makes you happy I will talk to them but I refuse for Rosalie to make accusations even if she's my sister and I love her dearly alright". Vision said caress me her cheek which Wanda leaned into.

"Alright Visz". Wanda whisper not wanting to be any more stress than she already was and to not push Vision anymore than she already had.


"What's wrong Wanda?". Vision asked worriedly as Wanda had been quiet during the ride to school.

"Just thinking?". Wanda said which came out as a question as she rubbed her baby bump.

"Talk to me darling we are in this together". Vision said as he extended his hand grabbing hers.

"I'm afraid I won't be a good mother Visz, I've been here a week and have yet to make a doctor appointment nor told my father about any of this". Wanda said she could feel the tears fill her eyes. She sometimes still hear the voices of her boys screaming afraid of her.

"Wanda you will be an amazing mother I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to share this experience with you. If you want after the meeting with my family we can speak to Carlisle to take a look if it eases your anxiety". Vision said as he rubbed circles on her hand to which Wanda nodded her head.

"Together we'll tell Charlie too right?". Wanda asked anxiously as she couldn't do it without him.

"Yes, we don't know how he will react possibly like any father would but I would rather not see you get hurt. Beware Darling it won't earn me any points with him he may not like us together". Vision said seriously.

"Then I feel bad for him because I will never be away from you again and you are the father of my children you are my forever". Wanda said squeezing his hand tightly.

"Forever Darling". Vision said leaning over as their lip met in a soft kiss.

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